Chapter Twenty.

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A/N: Remember this is WHILE Harry's at the bar! That's important!

Love yoouuuuuuuu.


Ella's POV

Jake is different than I expected. He's not shy, he's quite flirty and cheeky. Not quite like Harry, but he still knows how to make a girl's stomach flutter. We were going to ride one last ride and then we would leave. We had already ridden everything twice, including the games and the fun houses. We had cotton candy, and shared an Icee but we weren't that hungry, we were having too much fun.

Our hands were intertwined as he led me to the ferris wheel one last time. We waited in line until the guy running the ride led us to our red car, hooking us in. I laid on Jake's shoulder as we waited to start moving.

"Ella?" Jake questioned as we reached close to the top. I sat up and faced him, watching him as he got nervous.


"Would it be really bad if I wanted to kiss you right now?" He said.

"I..." I didn't know what to say.

"Nevermind," he mumbled, "I'm sorry." He looked away, watching the view as we reached the top.

I don't know what came over me but I lightly grabbed his chin, turning him towards me and lightly putting my lips on his. He immediately responded, kissing me sweetly and caressing my cheeks with his hands as mine rested on his shoulders.

I smiled before pulling away, laying on him once again and waiting to get back to the bottom.


I giggled as we walked hand in hand out of the fair, Jake was telling me corny pickup lines while we walked to his car.

"Hey, I've got another one." He smirked and I laughed and waited for him to speak again.

"Are you from Tennessee?" He paused, "Cause you're the only ten I see." He said and I brought my hand to my mouth to cover my giggles.

We reached the car and Jake opened the door for me, waiting for me to get in and then shut it, jogging to the driver's side of the car and getting inside.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me. I shook my head "no" and he nodded, putting the car in drive and driving towards my house.

"We should play a game." He finally spoke after moments of silence.

"Ooh, like those cheesy car games? Sure." I joked and he smiled.

"What about 'I Spy'?" He said and I nodded.

"Hmmm..You first." I said.

"I spy with my little eye, something blue." He said and I looked around.

"Um, your phone case?" I questioned.

"Nope" He smirked.

"The road sign?"

"No." He laughed. I huffed and kept looking.

"Wait," I paused. "I've got it! It's your eyes." I grinned and he shook his head. I gave him a confused look and he laughed.

"It's your tongue." He said and I laughed, pulling down the mirror thing on the car ceiling and sticking out my tongue, revealing it's blue covered surface.

"It's from the cotton candy" I giggled.

"Okay my turn!" I said, searching around the car for anything to use. I decided on using Jake's black Nike's.

"I spy with my little eye something black"

"My shoes." He smirked and I huffed.

"How did you get that so fast!?" I pouted and he grinned, showing off his beautiful pearly white teeth.

"You were staring at them"

"Cheater" I mumbled and he laughed, resting his hand right above my knee.

"Okay, it's my turn again." He said. He glanced around the car before turning back to looking at the road.

"I spy," he paused, "A beautiful girl sitting in the passenger seat beside me in my car" he said and I rolled my eyes but smiling.

"I didn't know Jennifer Lawrence or Sophia Bush was in here" I teased.

"Nope. Someone better" He smiled and I laughed, rolling my eyes once again.

"Okay, my turn" I giggled as Jake squeezed my knee.

"I spy with my little eye..."


"Do you want me to walk you to your door?" Jake asked me as he pulled into my driveways.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you."  I smiled.

"I had fun tonight, Ella" Jake said and I nodded in agreement.

"Can I take you out again?"

"We'll see," I smiled, giving him a small wink before getting out of the car and walking to my door. Jake waited until I was completely inside before driving off.

No one was home when I got there, Aiden and Melissa said something about a midnight premiere of a movie so I guessed I would be home alone for a while because it's only 11:30.

I walked into my room, quickly stripping off my clothes and jumping into the shower.


Once out of the shower, I put my pajamas on, taking off the rest of my makeup and going back into the living room to watch movies since I didn't have anything better to do. I walked into the kitchen to make me some food until I saw a note on the table.

'I figure you'd want this. We'll be back around 3.' The note read with Melissa's name written on the bottom. I smiled and opened the container beside me, revealing a batch of sugar cookies literally screaming my name.

I walker back into the living room and made myself comfortable on the couch, covering up with a blanket and turning on "The Great Gaspy" and eating one of the cookies out of the plastic container.


It was about the middle of the movie when there was an obnoxious, loud banging at the door. I huffed and stood up, putting the last bite of cookie in my mouth as I walked to the door.

I twisted the doorknob and pulled the door open, revealing a tall figure leaning against the doorframe, their hands stuffed in their pockets. I looked up to their face to be met with a mop of brown curls and piercing green eyes. I stood frozen.


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