Chapter Five.

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Ella's POV

"Ellaaaa, El, Ella, El, Ella!" Aiden's voice boomed through my ears, waking me up from the small amount of sleep I had.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Harry's here." He said, a hint of annoyance in his tone. I groaned and stood up, putting my hair in a messy bun and looking in my mirror to see my appearance.

I looked, horrible. Small bags were under my eyes from not sleep, and my eyes were red and puffy from my crying yesterday. The worst part is, I don't even know exactly why. I had so many things running through my head last night that I couldn't even think straight. I sighed at my appearance, I was wearing a tank-top and fuzzy pajama shorts, but I really didn't care anymore so I walked out.

Once Harry and Aiden saw me, Aiden gasped and walked over to me. "Ella, did you get any sleep last night?" Aiden asked me. I stared at him and then shook my head, letting him embrace me in a hug.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked quietly. I shook my head and walked over to where Harry was sitting, collapsing beside him and yawning tiredly.

"Ella, we don't have to do this today." Harry grumbled. I rolled my eyes and waved him off, looking at all of his past tests as I requested, so I could see exactly what he needed to work on. We worked until it was time for Harry to go to school, in which I sort of panicked, grabbing a T-shirt and skinny jeans with my Converse and stuffing them in my bag to change in at school. I told Aiden goodbye and quickly walked out.

"Do you need a ride?" Harry asked.

"Wouldn't want to ruin your reputation." I rudely said, and Harry huffed in annoyance behind me.

"Ella, stop being so stubborn and let me help you." He said. I was too tired to even fight with him, and I was beginning to feel dizzy, so I sighed and nodded. When I got in his Range Rover, I slumped in the passenger seat with my bag.

"Don't blame me if you're gonna lose your huge man whore/ bad boy reputation." I said, pulling my make up out of my bag and taking out my phone to use as a mirror.

"You don't need that," Harry said quietly, and I scoffed. Does he not see the bags under my eyes from not sleeping and crying last night? I continued to apply my makeup, and when I was done I put it back in my bag and made sure I didn't mess up anywhere.

The whole car ride was spent in silence as I looked at the outfit I had brought, A white V-neck and black skinny jeans. I held them in my lap until we reached the school, in which I quickly ran out and went to the bathroom. I went in a stall and put my clothes on, putting on my Converse and about to come out until I heard shuffling.

"Harry, come on. Don't you wanna have fun?" One of the popular girls whined. Harry? Was he in here?

"No." A raspy voice replied. Yepp. He was.

"Why not? We've had fun before." I could just see the seductive smirk on her face right now.

"I said no. I have...plans tonight." Harry said.

"What? With who?"

" one." He said before I heard the restroom door open and close again. Of course, he doesn't want anyone to know about me and him working together. When I finally hear the click of the girl's heels leave the restroom, I walked out, taking my hair out of it's bun and side braiding it. When I was finally okay with my appearance, I walked out, heading to my first period with Carter.

When I finally got in there and was scolded by the teacher, I took a seat beside Carter and he smiled at me.

"Where were you?" He whispered to me.

"Don't ask." I said, and he let it go.


"Ella." Harry's voice said behind me once the final bell rang for dismissal.

"Go away, Harry. I already have to deal with you before and after school, and in Gym and Science, I get some freedom for now." I said.

He ignored me and kept talking. "Do you need a ride home?"

"Nope." I said and walked away. Carter couldn't take me home either because he was with Tyler. Again. I sighed and walked out, putting my headphones in for the walk home.


When I reached home, I changed and was about to leave until my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Ella." Harry said through the line.

"I'll be there in a few minutes Harry. I just had to change." I said.

"You aren't walking alone anymore." He said.

"You can't tell me what to do." I answered, getting more annoyed by the minute.

"It's not safe, Ella." He said and I could tell he was trying not to yell.

"And since when do you care? Because the last time I remembered, you don't give a shit about me." I said and then hung up. Who does he think he is? I have walked everywhere all of high school and he never noticed. I don't care, he doesn't care about me.

I grabbed my bag and walked out, going towards Harry's house until his car approached me.


The window rolled down beside me but I continued walking, not looking in the car's direction even though it was moving at the same pace I was going beside me. I ignored Harry's calls of my name beside me also. Bastard.

"You might as well get in here, Ella. Or else I'm just gonna make you." Harry said from beside me. I finally stopped, turning to Harry's car.

"Try me." I said. Harry huffed in annoyance and walked over to me, stopping right in front of me, so close are chests were slightly brushing.

"Just come on, Ella." He said.








"Come on."


Harry sighed in annoyance, rubbing one of his hands through his hair and then picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder and started walking toward the car.

"Harry, put me down!" I yelled, hitting his back as he carried me. I kicked him, but it didn't even seem to faze him. He just chuckled and kept walking. When we got to his car, he opened the door with his free hand and put me in the seat. I tried pushing past him but it was no use. He slammed my door close and when he got to his side, I was ready to make a run for it. I tried opening the door, but it was locked from the inside. Child lock. Great.

Once Harry was in the car, he smirked at me and turned the engine on.

"I hate you," I started. "I hate you so much."


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