Chapter Thirteen.

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Ella's POV

I sighed as we reached the mall. I was glad, it's getting really cold and I need more wintery clothes.

We went into Hollister first. I bought a pair of skinny jeans and a sweater along with some random body spray that was on sale. We then went into Forever 21 and I didn't see really anything but Melissa bought a skirt and a pair of heels.

"How come you don't wear heels?" She asked me.

"Because I can't." I admitted. How was I supposed to learn?

"Well you should. It would make your legs look even longer and you might actually be as tall as your boyfriend." Melissa said.

"Harry is not my boyfriend." I scoffed.

"He's not?"

"No. I'm his tutor. And he wouldn't go for me. He's the school's biggest player and I'm not getting in that mess even if I was wanted there." I said.

"So you like him?" She said.

What am I doing? Bonding with Aiden's girlfriend that I despise.

Maybe she's not so bad.

"Yeah. I guess I do." I admitted.

"I think he likes you too." She said and I laughed. Is she crazy? Harry wouldn't go for someone like me. He wouldn't go for anyone.

"I'm serious. You should see the way he looks at you." She said.

"No. That wouldn't happen." I assured her.

"It looked like you two were going to kiss back there. And who was the one that pulled away? Oh, right. You. He was too caught up in the moment." Melissa winked at me and we both laughed this time.

"You really aren't that bad, are you?" I said and she smiled.

"I'm sorry I treated you like a bitch. I was just scared. I like Aiden a lot and I thought you would get in the way. I'm sorry, Ella. And I promise to always remember your name from now on." She said, laughing slightly at the last part. I nodded and we continued shopping.


Me and Melissa were exhausted. We had been shopping four four hours and were loaded with bags, well, I only had five but she had too many to carry on her own so I was helping her.

"Do you want food?" She asked and I nodded. We agreed on one of the Chinese restaurants in the food court and we both ordered. I paid for it so Melissa wouldn't have to and we sat down at a table with our many bags, making sure to have our eyes on them.

"So, um, I need to tell you something." Melissa said.

"Okay..." I said. She looked nervous. But it can't be too bad, right?

"So, um, I think I should break up with Aiden." She mumbled.

What? "Why?" I asked. I was just starting to get on with her too.

"Because I'm moving to France. I got offered a really good job there and I think I'm going to take it." She said.

"I understand," I said, "But I think Aiden will be upset. He will understand, but, you know how he is, he's very protective over who he loves." I said.

"Especially you. You are his world, Ella, and I wouldn't even think about leaving if you weren't with him." She said and I smiled. I was proud to be Aiden's sister. I love him to death and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

"Does Aiden know yet?" I asked. She shook her head and I nodded.

"Can you come with me?" She asked.

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