Chapter Sixty-Two.

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this is basically flashbacks of all of harrys decisions to clear up most confusion along with a little bit of the present with him at the end kay


Chapter 62.

Harry's POV

Waking up, feeling the way I did, I felt so perfect. Her flawless bare body laid in a tight embrace with mine, our legs tangled together, my arms tightly around her petite waist, the sheets being the only coverage.

I pressed a cheek to her forehead and laid there, thinking of how much she had trusted me last night, letting me take the last part of her innocence. I was no longer falling in love, I was there, I had fallen to the ground and she was right there beside me, healing the wounds of my past and even present.

She was all I needed, all I wanted.

As she started to stir, I started kissing her neck and a giggle escaped her lips, before she realized she wasn't fully covered and pulled the sheet to her chin.

"Come on, baby, we have a flight in three hours," I said with a smirk, teasing her as her cheeks flushed, "Round two in the shower?"

"Harry," she whined and I chuckled, "No."

"I've never taken a girl's virginity before," I admitted in a murmur, my lips pressed softly against her ear, "You'll be my first and last, baby. Forever."

She smiled at me, rubbing her thumb softly across my cheek before murmuring at how she needed to shower.

"Mhmm," I agreed, "We'll shower together." I gave her a wink and she nodded, but as soon as I had pulled the covers off of me, my phone vibrated on the side table.

I honestly didn't usually give a fuck, doing my best to give Ella my full attention, but seeing that name, 'Chance' on the other line, one that I hadn't and didn't plan on hearing from ever again, had been the one calling me.

Ignoring Ella, I answered the call, pressing the phone to my ear as I tugged my boxers up my legs along with some sweats, stepping out of the hotel room before letting myself speak.

"What the fuck is it?" I said in a hurried voice, I knew if he was calling me, something had to be really, really wrong.

"Harry," he breathed out in a not so friendly tone, "You need to get the fuck out of here."


"Jai, he, he's pissed the fuck off, Harry. He wants to kill you."

"So what? He's said that before-"

"No, Harry. They said if you don't come back, if you don't keep fighting, he's going to kill her first, and then he'll kill you."

My breath hitched in my throat as the words came out of his mouth. They weren't going to get my girl, my Ella, and I wasn't going to cause her harm. It wasn't fair that she was being threatened without knowing it, that she was silently being tortured into this. I didn't deserve her, I know I didn't.

"W-What do I need to do?" I breathed out quietly, wanting so much to punch something but pushing myself not to.

"Get the fuck out of here, man." He answered and I silently agreed.

"Yeah-yeah. I'll get me and Ella to-"

"No, Harry, she needs to stay home. You can't take her with you." No, he wasn't saying that, he couldn't mean it. That wasn't fair.

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