Chapter Sixty-Five.

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the gif is sO IRRELEVANT BYe 

Chapter 65.

Ella's POV

As I entered the house once again from getting all of the mail that hadn't been checked in weeks, I looked to see my name on a letter, along with my old address, so I guess Aiden had stuck it in the mailbox for me one day.

I tore open the envelope and unfolded the piece of paper that read:

Dear Ms. Aubriella James, <- a/n: tbh i dont remember if i gave her a last name oops

We are displeased to inform you that we will not be inviting you to join us at New York University this fall. We realize this is disappointing news; We want to assure you that we considered your candidacy carefully and that our decision was not an easy one.

You may be asking what was lacking in your application; and it is merely for the lack of attendance and minor behaviour changes. In all honesty, you have worked hard to maintain a Grade Point Average, of 4.0, without having to be religiously involved in extracurricular activities.

We wish you all the success we know you are capable of as you pursue your education further.

-New York University

The letter didn't surprise me, and I wasn't even upset about it. I had been missing so many days because of being so upset about a certain someone that I hadn't bothered to go to school, and when I did, I wasn't participating and I didn't bother to be polite with anyone but Louis.

I promised Louis that when I found out if I had gotten in that I would tell him, and I owed it to him to at least text him.

Me: nyu didn't accept me

Louis Tommo: babe are you okay?

Me: i'm fine

Louis Tommo: i'm coming over

Me: no i'm about to leave anyways and i think i need to stay here for a while

Me: alone

Louis Tommo: ella please talk to me

Me: no louis i cant just please let me do this

Louis Tommo: ok..ill bring most of your stuff by while you're gone and lay the key you gave me on the counter

Me: louis...

Louis Tommo: no ella its fine. ill talk to you later

Me: keep the key..

I ran my fingers through my hair as he didn't respond. I was losing him just by my own stupidity, and I couldn't. I would lose the last bit of my sanity if he left me, but I couldn't take advantage of him loving me like I had.

I pushed the thoughts out of my mind and slipped my shoes on, throwing my hair in a pony tail and grabbing the car keys off the counter, actually taking the car that was given to me instead of walking like I usually do. I quickly ran to the car and got in the drivers seat, putting the key into the ignition and driving to the diner Benjamin told us to meet at.

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