Chapter Twenty-Four.

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Ella's POV

As I awoke from my slumber, my eyes were met with the curly haired boy sleeping next to me. His arm was loosely draped over my waist, but there was little distance between us. I watched as faint snores emitted from his mouth.

I just laid there, tracing my fingers over the tattooed ink on Harry's abdomen. I wondered the meaning behind all of these works of art on his body.

What I realized next was that I know nothing about Harry and his past. I don't know anything about the photographs I saw yesterday, but what I do know is he wasn't always the bad-boy. In that picture, I saw an innocent little boy with his sibling. But that Harry wasn't recognizable anymore. He was dark and contained, he kept his secrets.

Just like I do.


I had taken Harry's boxers off and put on my underwear because they were getting on my nerves. So as I walked downstairs in only his shirt and my underwear, I felt the cold air hit me from leaving Harry in his warm bed.

I walked into the kitchen, my bare feet hitting the cold tile. I shivered as I found coffee and creamer after going through Harry's pantry. I hopped onto the counter, my knees holding me up as I got two coffee cups out for me and Harry.

I hope he likes coffee...

After I had jumped off the counter, which hurt my throbbing ankle, I plugged in Harry's expensive looking coffee maker, that looked as it hadn't been used, leaning over the counter to try to figure out how this confusing kitchen tool. Our coffee maker at home is so much more simple than this.

Two arms wrapped around my waist and I knew it was Harry but I continued to examine this machine.

"Good morning, beautiful." He hummed in my ear and I turned around. Harry was only wearing black sweatpants, his upper body still shirtless and I really didn't mind.

"Don't bother with that, love. I was gonna take you to breakfast." He said.

"How do you work the damn thing?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"It's not hard, El." He said, his eyes still full of amusement. Harry put his arms against the counter around me where I was practically trapped, leaning in where our noses were touching.

"You know the best part about you being my girlfriend now?" He asked huskily.

"And what is that?" I replied.

"I can kiss you anytime I want to now," He had leaned closer now. I closed the distance between us and moved my lips against his, letting him take the lead since I didn't really know what I was doing. I finally pulled away from him, kissing his cheek before going to the room with his clothes washer and dryer, opening the dryer door and getting my clothes from yesterday's...experience. I examined the clothes, the events of last night running through my mind.

I could somehow still feel the man touching me,

Kissing me with his chapped lips,

Hurting me,

Trying to kill me...

If it wasn't for Harry, I probably wouldn't be here right now.

My thoughts were ripped away as Harry came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck briefly.

"Stop thinking about it, baby" He said.

"You saved me, Harry." I mumbled and he turned me around to look at me, putting his forehead on mine.

"I will always save you, remember that," he said, "I won't let anything happen to you." I giggled as he kissed my nose before pulling away.

I left the room, walking into Harry's bathroom and changing into my clothes from last night.

I looked at myself in the mirror, running my fingers through my hair. I remembered going to the fair, the wind blowing through my hair as me and Jake rode the tilt-a-whirl.

Oh my god, Jake! I really liked him!


I don't know how I am going to tell him. I mean, we liked each other, and there was definitely something between us.

I literally jumped out of my skin as I walked out the door to see Harry seated on the bed, my phone in his hands.

"It won't stop ringing, it's your brother." Harry mumbled and I took the vibrating phone from his hands.

I declined the call, turning my phone off and sitting beside Harry. He looked at me questionably.

"I'll deal with him, later," I said and he smiled, pulling me into his lap.

"Zayn wants to meet up today. Him and the boys," Harry said and I nodded even though I knew those boys hated me as much as Harry used to.

"Okay," I said, agreeing to put myself up with some hours of hell with them.


Short chapter.


I know this probably won't happen, but, if I get 5 votes and 3 comments I will double update today...

So yeah.

Bye? :3

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