Chapter Twenty-One.

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Ella's POV

"Harry?" I trembled as he smirked at me.

"Ella." He slurred, almost tripping over his own feet even though he was standing still. I could heavily smell the smell of alcohol on him. He was drunk.

I wanted to send him home but I couldn't risk him driving again. I sighed, deciding on just letting him stay here and sleep on the couch.

But what was he doing here?

I ignored the curiosity burning through my brain as I opened the door wider to let him in from the freezing cold air. He smirked at me, attempting to walk in but stumbling a little too much over his own feet and falling on me. I pushed him off of me, putting his arm over my shoulders to steady him so I could walk inside.

I was guiding him towards my bedroom until I was forcefully pushed against the wall by Harry, his weight still practically leaned on me. He was so close that I could feel his hot breath on me as he leaned down. I froze as his warm lips met mine, the alcohol taste on his breath as he attempted to get a response out of me.

But I was frozen.

"Ella," he mumbled against my lips, "Kiss me."

I shook my head in refusal, pushing him off of me and walking straight into Aiden's room without another word, getting sweatpants out for Harry so he wouldn't be uncomfortable in his jeans, walking back into the room to see Harry leaning against the wall.

"You can wear these." I mumbled, handing him the sweatpants. He nodded and went and sat on the couch, taking off his shirt. I turned around to go into my bedroom and wait for him to change.

I sat in my bed and crossed my legs, giving him time to change until walking back in the living room, Harry's figure slumped on the couch as I passed him to go into the kitchen. I poured a glass of water and got two pills for Harry to have in the morning. I walked back in the living room, sitting on the couch beside an already sleeping Harry.

"Harry," I said, tapping his shoulder in efforts to wake him up.

After many tries, he was awake and following me into my bedroom. I was letting him sleep in here while I slept on the couch so his drunken self would be more comfortable. I literally had to lay him on the bed once we reached my room, he was half asleep and didn't know much of what was going on. I covered him up with the covers and turned around until he slightly grabbed my wrist.

"Lay with me," was all he said.

"No," I shook my hand away from him.

"Please, Ella" he pleaded. I sighed and turned around, walking on to the other side of the room and laying down, making sure there was distance between us. That was until Harry's arms went around my waist, pulling me to him.

"Ella, he whispered, his lips brushing my ear as he spoke, making me shiver, "I love you."


"No you don't, Harry," I denied, "You're drunk, you don't know what you're saying. In fact, you probably won't even remember this conversation in the morning," I sighed, "Get some sleep," I whispered, taking his hands off my waist and turning around to face him.

I was taken by surprise when he put his lips on mine again, more hungrily, his hands caressing my cheeks as he tried to get a response out of me. But, I couldn't move, I was frozen in place once again as he kissed me.

I pushed on his bare chest to get him off of me, our lips finally separating as I pulled away.

"Fuck!" He yelled, making me jump back in surprise.

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