Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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Ella's POV

I slowly creeped through the door, my brother laying across the couch, the TV playing some basketball game.

"Aiden?" My voice came out small as I approached him. He stood and saw me, standing and walking to me.

He was hesitant to touch me, but I threw my arms around him, engulfing him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Ella" he apologized, kissing me forehead as tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't realize how much I missed him until now.

"Me too" I agreed.

"Can you ever forgive me?" He pleaded.

"I already did," I smiled.


The next morning, I awoke as my alarm beeped in my ear. I got ready and walked downstairs to see Aiden and Melissa making breakfast. Aiden has his arms all the way around  her, trying to show her how to flip pancakes. She giggled as she dropped it right away and I walked into the kitchen, watching the two love birds.

"Oh hi Ella", Melissa said with a laugh. Aiden walked to me and kissed my cheek, "Good Morning, El," he greeted me and I smiled.

I ate a pancake before saying my goodbyes and opening the door to walk towards school.

I smiled as I saw Harry leaning against his car, his arms crossed, as he stood there with a brood. He looked as if he was in a bad mood.

I approached him slowly and watched as he went to his car and got in without a greeting.

"Hi," I said to him as I got in the passenger seat.

He didn't answer.

So I tried again. "How'd you sleep?" I questioned.

"Fine," he grumbled and I rolled my eyes, turning away from him in defeat. I laid my head on the window, my hands in my lap as we drove in silence. His hand eventually went to my thigh, and I pushed it off, only for it to be put there again. We drove for the rest of the drive in silence.

"You know, you shouldn't have come and got me if you weren't even going to speak to me," I snapped before getting out of the car.


"Hey Carter," I said as I approached him.

"Hey Ella" he smiled, giving me a hug before I sat in my usual seat in first period.

"Um, do you think you could take me home after school?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Of course, El. But I thought you would be going with Harry-"

"No," I cut him off, "he's being pissy and I don't want to deal with him."

"Oh, okay. Why?" He asked and I shrugged, changing the topic so I wouldn't have to talk about Harry anymore.


As soon as the bell rang for the next class, I walked out of the math room , finding Carter waiting form me for us to walk to gym together. We walked down the hallways and I hoped PE wasn't a disaster like it was yesterday.

After I got dressed, I ignored Claire's comments on Harry today, even when she mentioned my name or cut her eyes at me. I didn't want to deal with this today.

We all walked out of the locker room to see the gym teacher standing with his arms crossed, Mr. Johnson. Mr. J when he was in a good mood. But he wasn't today.

"10 laps around the gym. Go!" He yelled and all of the students groaned. I picked up my feet and started jogging around the gymnasium, passing all the populars and making sure to avoid eye contact with Harry.

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