Chapter Sixty-Eight.

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another delena gif whoops

Chapter 68.

Ella's POV

No. No. No. No. 

That's all I could repeat in my head. I couldn't turn around, merely because I didn't know whether I was feeling something positive or negative. I had missed him so much, and there was no doubt I still loved him, but what I didn't know was that if he felt the same. I felt so much pain when he left, I'm still feeling it now. What was I to do? 

"Ella," he breathed out again, my body quivering, not just because I was freezing, but at the sound of my name rolling off his lips, "Please look at me."

I shook my head, not knowing or caring if he could tell, but I knew he had, as I felt his warm fingers on my face, turning my chin to face him. I shut my eyes slowly, not letting myself look at him, as he wrapped his hands under my arms and picked me up off the ground to stand. 

"Open your eyes, please," he begged, and I took a deep breath before slowly opening my eyes, looking at the broken boy in front of me. He was as soaked at me, and I couldn't tell if his hair had gotten longer or if the water was making it seem extremely long. His beautiful emerald eyes pierced into mine, and I took in his attire of black skinny jeans and a white button up, a black blazer covering it. 

More tears streamed down my face, but the rain masked it, but I couldn't take my eyes off of him. It was painful to look at him, too painful, but now that I had looked at him, I couldn't look away. His arms slid around my waist and my body shivered at his touch, still reacting the same way it did nearly three months ago when he was here. 

"God, I've missed you so fucking much," he murmured, pushing the wet strands of hair out of my face. I shook my head at his lie, he hadn't missed me. There was no way.

"Ella.." my name left his lips again and I shuttered, closing my eyes for a moment as his lips pressed against his jaw. I was frozen now, feeling his hot breath fan my face, tingles still lingering at the spot he had kissed me. 

I then came to my senses, taking his arms off of me. 

This wasn't right. This wasn't right. This was so wrong. He didn't love me anymore, he never missed me, he left me. I couldn't do this to myself right now. 

"I.." I spoke to him for the first time, "I have to go."

I turned to walk away, only to be stopped by his voice again. "No, Ella please." 

I took in a deep breath and kept walking, making my way into the school again to find Louis. I needed to get him home, I needed to go home.

..But where was home? I had been staying at a house that I would probably no longer be alone in, and my brother had just left for his one month long honeymoon a few weeks ago, making me have no where to go but Louis', and he was drunk so I didn't know if it was a good idea to stay there, especially because of how he had been acting tonight.

 I spotted Louis near the punch table, and walked as fast as I could without running, ignoring the stares I was getting because of my attire.

I didn't even speak to him as I grabbed his arm, wrapping it around my shoulders and holding onto his hand to help him walk, leading us both out of the school and back into the rain. 

A figure leaned against the wall, arms crossed, and I instantly recognized as the boy I had just left standing in the rain. As soon as he noticed me, he immediately walked my way but I just kept walking to the car, needing to get Louis out of this rain as he laughed at absolutely nothing. When we had reached the range rover, our follower still there, I leaned Louis against the car as I shoved my hand in both of his pockets to look for the keys, pulling them out and unlocking the door. 

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