Chapter Seventeen.

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Ella's POV

Talk about awkward.

It was weird riding home with Carter. I was so used to the intoxicating smell of Harry's cologne and cigarettes in his car that when I entered Carter's car, the smell of pomegranates was weird to me. I know that sounds horrible but I haven't ridden with Carter in a while and when I have I was too zoned out to even notice anything.

I pulled the note put of my pocket for the fiftieth time since Harry gave it to me. The hardest word to say is goodbye. I ran my fingers over the writing and read it over and over again before putting it back in my pocket.

Why does he always do this to me?

He pretends to care and makes me fall for him and then he makes me want to rip my hair out. I need him out of my life, I want to stay away from him, and I will try even if it fails in the end.

"El." Carter's voice interrupted my thoughts.


"We're here."

"Oh. Sorry." I said, stepping out of the car and walking inside.

As I walked in, Aiden was there, another beer bottle in his hand. He's been a mess without Melissa and I have been trying to help him but it's hard. He lost the girl he fell in love with.

"Ella?" Aiden's voice boomed and I sighed.

"Carter, go home."  I pleaded and he hesitantly obliged, leaving me and a drunk Aiden alone.

"Aiden..." I said, taking a seat beside him.

"What, Ella?" He said from beside me, setting down his now empty bottle.

"You've been doing this for days." I sighed.

"It hurts, El. I'm in love with her and she's gone." He said, a tear rolling down his cheek. I scooted closer to him and wrapped my arms around him, laying my head in his shoulder as he cried. I have not seen him cry often so I didn't know exactly what to do but comfort him.


We sat like that for hours, until the doorbell rang. It was probably Carter with dinner. He texted me earlier and said he was bringing McDonald's.

Opening the door, I was surprised to see...Melissa standing there, a suitcase beside her. She was crying. Like, bawling. She looked like she hadn't slept in days. On top of her hair was a beanie, and she was wearing just a pair of skinny jeans and a loose fitting top. Her makeup was running and she looked as if she had literally just gotten back here.

"Melissa?" I said, my voice low so Aiden wouldn't hear. I stepped outside and closed the door behind me.

"Ella!" She said, her arms wrapping around my shoulders.

"I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. I couldn't leave Aiden. I got to France and was so excited but then I realized how much I missed him. Do you think he'll take me back?" Melissa asked frantically.

"Hold on. Let me get him." I said and she nodded. I walked back inside to see Aiden half asleep, slumped on the couch, another beer bottle in hand.

"Aiden..." I said quietly, tapping his arm.

"What." He groggily said and after much convincing, I got him to stumble to the door. He opened the door, bottle still in hand, but dropped it, causing it to almost shatter, once he saw who it was

"Baby?" Aiden said, picking Melissa up and kissing her. He almost fell because of his alcohol in his system but quickly recovered. I think this sobered him up a bit.

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