Chapter Fifty-One.

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Chapter 51.

Ella's POV.

Monday morning came around and me and Harry were both in his bathroom, me pinning parts of my hair back and Harry brushing his teeth.

We were both already dressed, Harry in a simple white shirt with a leather jacket over it, along with his dark wash jeans and boots I had gotten him for Christmas, along with one of the headband bandana things wrapped around his head. I had on a crochet sweater and skinny jeans, wearing my winter boots as it was still the end of January. My hair was straight and I had only put a little bit of makeup on today.

I grabbed my bag and me and Harry walked into his car, his arm reaching to open the door for me.

"I can open a door you know," I said with a roll of my eyes.

"Well, I can rip your clothes off and fuck you inside this car so hush baby, I can open a door too," he said, his hot breath fanning my ear as he leaned in close to whisper at me.

I cringed and he saw my reaction, chuckling and opening my door, before closing it and getting in on his side.

We drove to school, Harry rushing over to my side of the car before I could even get my seatbelt off, opening the door for me. I laughed, rolling my eyes, pecking his lips as I stood up and got out of the car, passing him.

He quickly caught up with me and took my bag from me, slinging it over his shoulder. I reached over and tried to take it back from him but he wouldn't let go, his overpowering strength causing me to give up and just walk beside him in peace.

He reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers, rubbing his thumb up and down the back of it. I took a deep breath as we entered the schools main building, Harry's grip only growing tighter, a silent signal to me that he wasn't going to let go.

I smiled as we reached my locker, his hand only dropping for me to open and shut it again after I had put the things I didn't need for the beginning of the day.

I spotted Louis struggling with his locker and I told Harry I would meet him at his locker before first period and he hesitantly nodded before leaving my side.

I walked over to Louis and he immediately smiled when he saw me. I gave him a hug and his arms went around me, kissing my head.

"Hey," he said to me and I smiled, "Hey Louis."

"How's your arm?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Well I can't even open my locker but it doesn't hurt too bad or anything," he laughed.

"What's the combination, I'll do it for you," I smiled and he gave it to me. I put the numbers in before opening the lock and pulling the door open.

Louis pulled out the books he needed and I took them from him so he could shut his locker, and then put them in his book bag so he could sling it back over his shoulder.

"Do you need me to walk you to class?" Louis asked and I shook my head.

"Oh right, Harry," he gave me a small, non genuine smile before giving me a small hug and walking away without another word.

I furrowed my eyebrows and made my way to Harry's locker, only to be stopped by the presence of Claire standing in front of Harry, her ridiculously long pointer fingernail trailing up and down Harry's now bare arm, a smirk on her red tinted lips. Neither of them had noticed me in the crowd, so I quickly hid behind an open door, creeping around it so I could watch the scene in front of me, praying that it wouldn't turn out the way my bitch of a subconscious was telling me it would.

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