Chapter Fourteen.

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Harry's POV

"Fuck." I cursed, slamming my forehead against the steering wheel.

I shouldn't have done that. I should not have kissed Ella, I don't give a fuck if it was just the cheek, it left me wanting more and now my feelings are all fucked up.

I groaned as I put my car in drive and sped home before I went back in there and kissed her like I wanted to.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I have never liked a girl nor do I want to, but why the fuck am I always thinking about Ella, I always actually give a shit about what she thinks about me, and I'm always fucking apologizing to her. Do I like her? Well, who couldn't. She's absolutely fucking gorgeous. Everything about her is good, especially her personality. She is so stubborn but so kind and I'm surprised she actually puts up with me. And she is way too innocent. She doesn't realize all the fucking guys that want her at that hell hole of school. They practically eye-rape her and I can't do anything about it because then everyone would think I was with her.

But, maybe that wouldn't be so bad.


I got out of my car and slammed the door shut. Walking to my porch, I pulled a cigarette out of the pack I just bought and lit it. I let it rest in my mouth while I opened the door to my flat and shut the door behind me.

I will not let Ella get to me. I just need time to think straight even though it will always turn out the same in the end.

Fuck, I like Ella. But I don't want to.

So, I did the worst thing possible, calling one of those really popular girls from our schools with plastic bodies and fake faces, that the guys would call hot but I think they're horrifying but good in bed.

Maybe they'll get Ella off my mind.

Ella's POV

I sighed as I searched for Carter in the halls Monday morning. I hadn't been looking for long until he fast walked towards me, tears pouring down his cheeks. He wrapped his arms around me and I immediately hugged him back, dragging him outside even though class starts in 15 minutes.

"Carter, what happened?" I said, wiping his cheeks with my thumbs.

"He cheated on me again." Carter sobbed and I climbed in his lap as he sat in the grass in the courtyard.

"Are you finally done with him?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm sorry we didn't get to hang out. I was stupid. Please forgive me, Ella." My best friend mumbled.

"Of course." I said, giving him a small smile.

"We gotta go to class." I said, standing up and grabbing Carter's hand, ignoring everyone's stares as we walked hand in hand in school.


I headed to my final period which was Science, slightly excited to see Harry. I am falling for him so fast and I really have no idea why. He was so nice to me last night and it just made my feelings for him go wild.

But I would never tell him that because he would never feel the same way. Ever.

As soon as I was about to reach the classroom, I was mysteriously stopped by three of the plastics; Jessie, Rebecca, and Claire.

"Um..." I said, trying to go around them until Rebecca stepped on my Converse covered foot with her heel.

"Stay away from Harry." Jessie said and I rolled my eyes.

"I can do what I want. And who said I was near him?" I snapped.

"We see you get out of his car and he follows you home all the time. Tell me Ella, are you that good in bed?" Claire said and I cringed.

"I'm his tutor, now if you'll excuse me..." I tried pushing past them too.

"Not what he is saying." What?

"What are you talking about?" I asked and they smirked, pulling me down the hallway.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I struggled out of their grip, breaking one of Claire's nails in the process.

"Go see for yourself." They said with a devilish smirk and I ave them a rude "Fine" before walking down the hall in the direction they were pulling me. I don't know what they're talking about but might as well see it.

I stopped as I saw Harry, his lips locked with another girl's as he pushed her against the wall. What does this have to do with me other than make me jealous?

Jealous? Am I really jealous?

I hid around the corner as I listened to them start speaking.

"Harry," the girl whined, 'can't we go back to your flat?"

"Babe, as much as I would love to rip your clothes off right now, I'm busy." His raspy voice spoke.

"With who? Ella?" The girl said and I furrowed my eyebrows at the mention of my name.

"No." He lied.

"Tell me, is she really that good in bed?" She said.

"Not as good as you would be." Is he saying I slept with him? Are you fucking kidding me? I have forgiven him so many times and now he does this.



I hope you liked it.

Anyways, I love youuuuuu.

Byeeeeee. <3

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