Chapter Seventy-Three.

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-not edited- (like any of the chapters have no typos)

Chapter 73.

Harry's POV

My fingers barely grazed her waist up and down, my hand under the material of her shirt as she slept. Her hair was a mess around her face, her legs entwined with mine as she practically laid on top of me, and I felt her breath on my chest every time she breathed.

"God, I love you so much," I murmured even though she couldn't hear me, kissing the top of her head that was just below my neck.

Being with her right now, it was so strange to think I had gone months without her touch, without her kiss or her love, without her.

It was torture without her, honestly. I shouldn't have gone without her, especially after hearing a rumor of her being taken or provoked while I was gone, and I wasn't there to save her. I hadn't let myself believe it yet, only because I think she would have at least told me when she got back, right? I didn't know, but I needed to. It was slowly killing me inside, because first they had my sister, and she mysteriously is okay when I get back, and there's no way they just let her go. She either escaped on her own or someone was there to help her. And now she was gone, living a life of her own in America, which is why I wouldn't let myself worry about her anymore.

Knowing she was okay was the only thing I needed from her, because the person I wanted and needed the most was in my arms right now.

We had so much to talk about, so much to discuss, but I didn't care. Nothing she said would drive me away from her. I had lost her too many times, I wasn't doing it again.

She shuffled in her sleep, and I could feel her waking up, her legs stretching out first like they always used to, and her hands going up to her face to wipe it. She yawned before slowly opening her eyes and furrowing her eyebrows, before looking up at me and giving me a small smile, then laying her head back down on her chest.

"Good morning, baby," I murmured, "I think that's the best sleep I've gotten in months."

"Mhmm," she hummed, kissing the bare skin of my chest and slowly opening her eyes, beginning to trace the lines of my tattoos, a habit of hers that I had gotten used to, but didn't expect after I had left. It was crazy how comfortable we both were, considering it had been months since either of us had touched, had even seen each other.

I grabbed under her bum and pulled her up to be eye level with me, before pressing my lips against hers. She seemed slightly taken back but easily started moving into the kiss, setting off an eruption inside me that only she could cause.

She pulled away to catch her breath, pecking my jaw before laying down on my chest once more. My fingers stroked her cheek, and we both laid there, trying to avoid the conversation we know we had to have, and I hoped we could explain ourselves without yelling or storming out on one another.

I knew it wouldn't take much to upset her, either of us really, but I knew myself that if I blew it, we would be done.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I murmured quietly, and she tiredly looked up at me, knowing exactly what I meant, nodding in agreement. We both slowly got up out of bed, and she looked at the bruise that had darkened on my collarbone, almost exactly where her head had been.

"I didn't mean to-"

"Bab-Ella," I corrected myself, wanting to make sure she was comfortable before overusing the name again, "It wasn't your fault those fuckers ambushed me."

I knew I would have to tell her why they had in the first place, but I didn't want to start with that. I didn't want to tell her that I had threatened them, and I especially didn't want to tell her that I had basically been told Ella had been in some kind of contact with them; I just didn't know what. It wouldn't make any sense for her to have any type of communication with them, but I know they had from the way the fucker recognized her right away.

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