Chapter Fifty-Eight.

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Chapter 58.

Ella's POV

3 weeks.

4 days.

21 hours.

35 minutes.

That's how long he had been gone.

I should've been used to waking up without him, or sleeping in the same bed we were in every night together.

But I wasn't.

I couldn't get used to the fact that the only boy I loved was gone. And that I didn't know where he was or if he was okay.

Louis was the only person keeping me on my feet right now. He was so kind to me, despite my mood swings and my tantrums that I usually take out on him. He kept his promise, coming by every day and taking me to school or staying home with me when I didn't go, almost always staying by my side. He would let me cry when I was sad and let me scream at him when I was angry. He did his best to help me, but we both knew there was only one person that could put my broken heart back together. And he was the one that broke it, the one that isn't here anymore.

Sometimes I even drink, I get so trashed and then Louis has to take care of me the next morning.

As I woke up this morning, Louis' arms were securely wrapped around me, both of us still in the clothes we were wearing yesterday, halfway sitting and halfway laying on the couch from where he cradled me in his arms after I broke down crying, though minutes before I had yelled at him and told him it was his fault.

As soon as I opened my eyes they were met with Louis' blue ones, and he looked down and smiled at me, before kissing my temple.

"Good morning, love," he murmured and I gave him a slight smile that I know didn't reach my eyes.

"You okay?" He asked and I shrugged.

"We have school, I should get ready," I said bluntly before getting out of his arms and going to the bedroom.

"Ella," Louis' voice said behind me as I entered the room, and I turned around to face him.


"Here," he murmured, walking over to me and pulling the silver chain out of his pocket. I furrowed my eyebrows and felt at my neck for the necklace but it wasn't there.


"When you got drunk the other night, you pulled it off and threw it at me," he said and I nodded, watching as he put it over my head and let it rest on my chest.

I didn't say anything as I pulled my hair over the chain, though part of me wanted to leave it off, but I just couldn't.

"I'm sorry it had to be like this, Ella, you don't deserve this," Louis said, his hands finding their way to my cheeks as he stroked them. He pushes stray hairs away from my face before pressing his lips to my cheek.

"I think," I started, and Louis watched me intently, "I think it'd be best for me to stay with you for a while."

"Okay," was all he said, a small smile creeping onto his face.

"I just want one more night alone, and then I'll pack the stuff I'll need for a while and you can pick me up tomorrow. I don't think I'm going to go to school but you probably should," I said and he nodded, saying his sweet goodbye before leaving me alone in the eerily quiet house.

I made my way to the kitchen and decided to make a cup of coffee, turning on Harry's coffee machine, a memory flashing through me of the first time I tried to use it months ago, right when me and Harry decided we were going to be together.

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