Chapter Forty-Six.

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Harry's POV

I never knew I could be this happy again.

It was late, and I knew I needed to get her home, but finally having her here, in my arms again as she fell in and out of sleep, I couldn't help but smile at the fact that she was mine again.

I sat against the wall, as she once sat beside me, but as it got late, she had drifted onto my chest, her knees bent and her hands resting on my lap, one of my hands resting on top of hers, our fingers intertwined.

"Baby," I said in attempts to wake her up. She hummed in response, her eyes barely opening.

"I need to get you home."

She groaned in response but didn't try to move, "I like it here."

I barely picked her head up so I could slide out from under her, then wrapped my other arm under the bend of her knees, lifting her off the ground. She made a noise but leaned into my chest anyways, covering her face with her hair though I moved it back just to see her. She opened her eyes and pouted and I chuckled as she grabbed her hair and put it back to mask her face. She cuddled into my chest again, slightly holding on to the material of my shirt.

I carefully opened the door of the cabin, letting us out before letting it slam close behind us. I walked her through the trail to my car, resting her in the passenger seat before walking over to my side and getting in.

I immediately reached for her hand when I had put the car in drive, intertwining our fingers together. She laid her head on the middle console, her hair covering our locked hands.

I drove us home, keeping the music at a low volume and trying to avoid any bumps so I wouldn't wake her up. Holy fuck was I whipped.

Once I had pulled into her driveway, I carefully woke her up and she wiped her eyes, turning to look at me.

"I love you," I said and she nodded, attempting to say an I love you back but yawned instead.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" She asked hesitantly.

"Of course." I smiled at her and she lazily walked to her door and I turned my car off as she walked in, returning a few minutes later with her school bag and her usual overnight bag.

Before she got to the car I got out and took the bags from her hands (that were heavy to her, though they weren't) and walking to her side of the car, opening the door for her and shutting it as she got in. I threw her bags in the back seat before going back to the drivers side and getting in.

"So are you staying all weekend?" I asked her and she looked at me for approval before nodding.

"If that's okay.." She trailed off but I don't know why she was even hesitant, she knew I wanted her there. Hell, I wanted her to pack up her shit and move in already.

Wait, what?

"I missed you," I said before kissing her on the forehead and turning the car on, starting the engine and driving to my house.

She had already fallen asleep again when we got there and I left her in the car while I put her bags in my room, then came back out and got her out of the car carefully, trying not to wake her up but she did anyways. She lazily smiled at me and I grinned back, walking into my house and shutting the door and locking it behind me.

I made my way to my bedroom and laid Ella down on my bed, and she automatically lifted up her legs so I could take off her shorts, just as she used to do.

I did my usual and put her into one of my T-shirts, kissing her softly on the forehead. It amazed me how comfortable she was with me after such a short time of being together.

I took off my shirt and pants, staying in my boxers and slipping into the bed beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist and hoping I would never have to let go.

My phone rang on the bedside table and I rolled my eyes, knowing it was Jay, and I pressed the decline button. I wasn't dealing with his shit tonight, I finally had her back.

It rang again and again and I tried to ignore it, turning it on silent but the vibrating still annoyed the shit out of me.

"Answer it," Ella yawned, "It may be important."

"Not as important as you are." I kissed her cheek, and she weakly smiled.

"I love you." She said and I smiled, "I love you more."

I leaned in to kiss her and as if on cue, right before our lips touched, her phone started blasting her Ed Sheeran ringtone. She yawned and rolled her eyes, turning over to the bedside table where her phone laid charging, sliding the answer button.

"Hello?" She yawned, laying the phone on the side of her face as she looked at me. I only heard her part of the conversation.

"Yeah, it was me."

"No, I'm not home anymore."


"I don't have to tell you anything. I'm almost 18."


"I'll be back Monday."

"Yes, Monday."

She huffed and roller her eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever, love you too. Night."

She took the phone off of her face and turned around and plugged it back in the charger, then turned back to look at me. She lightly smiled before closing her eyes, scooting closer to me and laying against my chest.

"Big brother?" I asked and she nodded.

"Please don't hurt me like that again," she mumbled sleepily, wrapping her arms around me and getting as close as she could to my bare chest.

"Never again, baby." I said, kissing her forehead gently.

She held up her pinky but didn't open her eyes and I chuckled but locked pinkies with her anyways.

I turned on my back and pulled her on top of me, her hair cascading around her, and her body sexily strayed across me in my T-shirt, and I watched her situate on my torso with loving eyes.

If this had been a month ago, I would have left in the middle of the night to do some shit for Jay but I wasn't doing that again. I couldn't. I just now have her back and I'm not fucking it up by something stupid. Jay's shit can wait.

As Ella's breathing became heavier and her body had slumped a little more, I knew she had fallen asleep. My hand rubbed up and down her back as she slept peacefully.

"I love you El." I uttered, though she was sleeping.

"I know I've fucked up, and I know I'm an asshole 90% of the time, but my love for you is and always will fucking grow."

"Don't let me go." I whispered before closing my eyes.


sorry i had to :')

Please don't kill me I love you. I know I haven't updated in ages.

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