Chapter Nine.

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Ella's POV

My phone vibrated in my back pocket as I was listening to the History teacher talk about World War 2. It was annoying since I learned this my freshman year so I pulled out my phone quickly and looked at the text message.

From: Harry

-There's a party tonight and everyone is invited.

I rolled my eyes and replied.

To: Harry

-Well I'm nobody so I'm not invited nor am I going.

I ignored the next time he texted me and put my phone back in my pocket to listen to the teacher.


After class, I walked out to find Carter to see if he was free tonight. There's a new movie out and I really want to go see it. I spotted him in the hall with his back facing me so I walked up to him and put my arms around him, covering his eyes with my hands.

"Guess who?" I chirped.

"Prince Charming?" He teased and I laughed.

"You wish." I said and he turned around.

"Are you busy tonight?" I asked Carter and he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm going to see that new movie with Tyler. We're going to the mall right after school so I can't take you today." He said and I nodded.

"That's fine. Bye, Carter." I said and waited for the end of the day to finally come.


I walked down the sidewalk from Harry's, ignoring the fact tat r was driving beside me, trying to convince me to go to that stupid party.

"Pleeeeaaassseeee Ella."

"No. I said no." I said.

"Please? Just this one time. I'll meet you there and then I can take you home if you want. But, I'm not leaving you alone until you at least come for an hour." I huffed in annoyance as he finished his sentence.

"Fine. 1 hour." I said and he grinned.

"I'll text you the address later." Harry said and I nodded, annoyed.

"Okay." Was all I said before we reached my house and I went upstairs to look for an outfit.

After many dresses, I tried on a long sleeved dress with a skirt that reached just above my knees. The dress was black and had sparkles on it. I had never worn it because I'm not a fan of sparkles, but I might as well wear it now. I pulled out my black boots because I cannot walk in heels nor do I want to.

I finished getting ready, and my phone vibrated just as my mascara was put back into the lid. It was a text from Harry saying the address and I didn't reply. I walked downstairs, leaving a note for Aiden just in case I'm not back by the time I wanted to be and left my house, locking the door behind me.

I could tell I was at the right address because I heard the loud music from a block down the road and once I reached the house I saw people everywhere. I walked up on the porch, passing the couple making out against the house and walked in.

I walked over to the corner and leaned against the wall as I watched people grind all over each other to the music since that was all there was to watch.

"Hey, sexy. I haven't seen you around here before. Wanna dance?" He asked.

"No, thanks. I'm fine here." I smiled.

"Aw come on. Have a little fun." He said and I shook my head politely. I am not dancing with this guy, but he is very good looking and I am sure he knows it.

47 more minutes to go.



I'm sorry I don't update this that much. I am trying to finish my other one and then this one will probably be daily AFTER I finish the other one, which will be soon.

I lovveeeee yooouuuuu.


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