Chapter Thirty-Three.

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Ella's POV

I checked my appearance in the mirror once more. I had decided on just an Aztec print sweater hoodie and thick black leggings. I put on my brown combat boots and ran my fingers through my hair before heading to the car that I started 10 minutes ago so it would be warm.

I drove to Harry's house to see the boys cars already there. I put all the presents on my arm except for Louis' presents and Loki, walking to the door. I knocked and Danielle, the beautiful curly haired dancer that I knew as Liam's girlfriend answered the door.

"Oh! You must be Ella." She smiled and I nodded.

"And you're Danielle, " I smiled and she moved out of the way so I could go in. There wasn't a tree so I just set the gifts with all the other ones.

I searched the room for Harry but was startled as his arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

"You look beautiful," he said into my ear, kissing my jaw before releasing me.

I immediately walked to Louis and put my arms around his torso for a hug and his arms went around me.

"Happy Birthday, Lou." I smiled and he thanked me before I walked back to Harry.

"So, um, I hate to ask, but can we open presents now? One of them can't exactly wait. It's in the car so..." I trailed off.

"Oh we were planning to anyways." Liam said, Danielle placed in his lap and I smiled, walking out to my car and getting the keyboard and guitar.

"I'll be back, Loki," I told her and she whimpered in her cage.

As I walked back in, I hid the guitar case behind the table so Louis couldn't see it yet and then I went back outside, grabbing Loki in her cage and the bag I had put all of her supplies in, bringing her inside.

"Well, I guess I'll start," I said with a smile, "Liam, this is for you and Danielle. I've been calling her Loki but you can call her whatever you want," I said and Liam smiled as Danielle immediately fell in love with the puppy.

We all gathered on the floor in the middle of the living room, putting all the gifts in the middle. Harry pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. I had brought the guitar case into the living room and handed it to Louis.

"Oh my fucking god," he breathed, opening the black case and pulling the guitar out, setting it in his laps and beginning to strum. He then put it back in and closed the case, putting it behind him.

"Thank you, Ella," he said with a smile, " Thank you so much."

"Oh, you should open your other one now, might as well," I smiled and he reached for the box. As he ripped the red wrapping his eyes went wide as he ran his hands over the keyboard case.

"You didn't have to El, you really didn't," he said and I smiled.

"Yes I did."


Everyone else but Harry had opened their gifts from me, thanking me for everything. We decided to just let people go one at a time at exchanging gifts so I had started.

Harry opened his bag, looking at his shirt, cologne, and bandanas and beanies and such and laying them in my lap since I was on his. He pulled out the shoebox and opened it.

"You remembered," he smiled and I nodded.

"And I also got something else for you but it's not something I could wrap," I said.


"Well, I got us a hotel room in London for all of next week." I said and he just stared at me.

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