Chapter One.

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Ella's POV

I groaned as my alarm clock woke me up. I groggily wiped my eyes and let them adjust to the light, before slipping out of my warm bed and slowly walking sleepily to my bathroom, flicking the light on and turning on the shower.

After I was finished, I wrapped a towel around me and walked back into my room. I plugged up my straightener in the bathroom, letting it heat up while I got dressed. I put on a long sleeved white shirt with an american flag on it, and tucked it into high waisted light denim shorts. I put on my high top Converse before walking back into my bathroom. I straightened my naturally brown hair, which went down to about my mid-lower back, and then applied my makeup.

I walked into the kitchen, seeing my twenty-five year old brother, Aiden, making breakfast. He made bacon, pancakes, and biscuits. I helped him as much as I could, then we both filled our plates. I grabbed two pieces of bacon, a pancake, and a biscuit, leaving the rest to Aiden.

"You know I love you, right?" I smiled as we sat at the table and ate our food.

"Yes, Ella. I'm taking you to school." He replied, gobbling down a piece of bacon.

"That's not what I was going to ask, Carter's picking me up so you can make it to work on time." I smiled, before I heard a car horn signalling Carter was here. "Bye, Aiden. I love you, see you when you get home from work!" I said, kissing my older brother on the cheek and running upstairs to get my bag.

"Wait. What were you gonna ask?" Aiden asked me as I came out of my room.

"Just if Carter could come home and stay here until you get back?" I asked sweetly.

"Yeah, sure. He would anyways if I said no. Just make sure to call when you get home." I thanked him and put my arms around him in a hug, then he kissed my forehead and let me go. I walked out my front door, putting on my sunglasses as Carter's expensive black mustang was parked outside my house. He got out of the car when he saw me, wrapping his arms around me and lifting me off the ground for a second. I smiled when he let me down and kissed me on the cheek, opening my door for me then walking over to the driver's side.

"Hey, Carter." I smiled at my best friend. Me and Carter have been best friends since the 2nd grade when he was getting bullied and no one would be his friend. I hung out with him and we've been best friends ever since. And if you're thinking, guys and girls can't be best friends, you're wrong. They can. And it doesn't matter either because he's gay.

"Ready?" He said excitedly and I nodded, Carter turning on the engine and pulling out of the small driveway, driving in the direction of our highschool.

When we finally got to school, Carter opened the door for me and when I got out, he locked arms with me and we walked to our first class that we had together. I never really talked to anyone here but Carter, because they never really talked to me.

When we got to our first class, we sat in the seats in the front row, where we have always sat together in classes, talking amongst ourselves as we waited for the teacher to start speaking.

"So, how's life even though I just saw you yesterday?" Carter asked me.

"Boring without you. How about you?" I asked him.

"Boring without you." He said making me giggle.

We conversed for minutes, until the teacher interrupted us, finally starting class. When the bell finally rang, me and Carter left to go to our different classes. We wouldn't see each other until lunch, then we had Gym together and that was it.

My next few classes before lunch went by smoothly, nothing really happening. When it came to lunch, I found Carter waiting for me by the door, his arm locking with mine as usual as we went and found a seat. I chose not to eat today, but Carter got some lunch so I stole french fries from him every now and then.

My eyes darted to the lunchroom doors as Harry Styles, and his friends Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik came through the doors. I laughed and rolled my eyes, ignoring the bad boys of the school and turning back to Carter.

"Harry is a cutie." Carter grinned.

"Don't even go there, Carter." I chuckled.

For the rest of lunch, me and Carter made conversation about random things until it was time to go to class.


At the end of the day, I walked out of my last class to go find Carter and he found me just as soon as I walked out of the classroom door, Harry walking close behind me. But, we didn't even talk to each other. We ignored each other just as we had done for the past 3 years of high school.

Me and Carter walked to his car, our arms locked, and he drove to my house. When we got there, there was a note as usual from Aiden, saying he loved me and would see me later tonight. I put the note in my room with all of my other notes he had given me.

I put on comfortable clothes and walked back into the living room, Carter putting on 'The Notebook' as I popped some popcorn. This was our usual school night routines, we watched sappy love movies and waited for my brother to get home, then Carter would go home and we would do something again the next night.

We cuddled up to each other and watched the movie, Carter crying by the time it ended. Aiden got home after a few episodes of 'Girl Code' and I told Carter goodbye. Once he left, me and Aiden smuggled on the couch, making casual conversation before going to our rooms and going to sleep.


Well, Hello.

This is my new fan fiction.

I hope you liked the first chapter:D

By the way, this story starts in like October, not the first day if you didn't notice. It will make sense later!


P.S. I promise it will get better! I suck at beginnings.

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