Chapter Thirty.

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Btw, this book isn't like day by day all the time. Each chapter can be weeks later, months later, who knows.

Keep that in mind :)


Ella's POV

A knock on my window made me jump out of my skin, an ear-piercing scream tumbling through my lips.

I turned to see Harry standing there, grinning as he had watched me freak out moments before, one hand behind his back.

I rolled my eyes and opened my window, leaning out of it  slightly.

"There's a door you know" I said with a laugh.

"I was trying to be romantic," he replied, leaning in for a kiss but I teasingly backed away.

"Harry Styles? Romantic?  Oh my gosh where is the cameras?" I said and he pouted as I gave him a grin.

"That's not funny," he whined.

"Oh but it is," I smirked.

"Come in, then. I don't want to freeze." I added, shivering as I was only in shorts and a flannel. He looked back at me and smiled, climbing through the window with one hand, the other hand staying hidden.

"Oh!," he said, "this is for you," he finally pulled out his hand, a single red rose resting between his fingers. He handed it over to me and I took it happily, mesmerized by how much a single rose meant to me, only because it came from Harry and I would have never expected it.

We took a seat on my bed, my back leaning against the wall and my legs on top of Harry's lap, his body laying back, his hands resting behind his head.

"I wanna take you out, " he said smoothly, rubbing a finger up and down my leg.

"Huh?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows at his behavior.

"I'm taking you out, Friday, well tonight because tonight is Friday-" he rambled and I put my hand over his mouth, stopping his voice.

"Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?" I teased him, taking my hand away as he rolled his eyes, turning away from me and making me giggle.

"Well I'm going to get dressed so I'll be back." I smiled at him, kissing his cheek and walking to my closet. I decided on just a blue sweater and a pair of thick black leggings. I went to the bathroom and changed into my clothing, taking my hair out of it's ponytail and letting it fall loose on my shoulders before walking into my room.

Harry's eyes were fixed on his phone in his hands so I got out my combat boots and put them on over my socked feet.

I brushed through my hair, not even bothering to straighten it. I picked up my makeup bag, getting ready to apply it to my completely bare face until Harry's voice startled me.

"You aren't wearing that," he said in a smooth tone, his arms going around my seated figure from behind. How did I not notice him coming when there is literally a mirror right in front of me?

"Um yes I am," I said, picking up the tube of mascara and opening it.

"You don't need it, baby," he said, kissing my jaw, but I continued my actions anyways, which was surprisingly difficult since he was distracting me.

After I finally had finished, Harry was kissing at my neck. I giggled and pushed him off of me so I could stand up, only for him to take me in his arms again.

I was actually really excited for this date. We hadn't had a real date and I was pumped and nervous even though me and Harry have been together for almost two months now.

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