Chapter Sixty-Four.

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Chapter 64.

Ella's POV

I slipped into my dress, pulling it onto my shoulders as Louis came up behind me, his white dress shirt still half unbuttoned as he zipped up the red material as I held my hair back. I smiled at him through the mirror and dropped my hair from my hands, letting out a breath of nervousness.

Louis rubbed my shoulders softly, slightly calming my nerves, before slowly taking his hands away so we could finish getting ready.

For my brother's wedding.

My chestnut hair was in waves around my face, my makeup a little heavier due to the special occasion today. Since I was convinced by a certain someone for my birthday to wear a pair of heels, I honestly sort of liked them and was wearing a new pair today, though I wasn't putting them on until we were about to leave. { they'll be a link in the a/n bc i like using gifs if you want to see her outfit kay }

Louis buttoned up the rest of his shirt, before putting his black tie around his neck and tying it like it was supposed to be tied. His hair, that was usually just messily around his face, was classily slicked back from his face, and needless to say, he looked extremely handsome.

We quickly brushed our teeth, as we hadn't gotten out of bed today, aside from wrapping Aiden and Melissa's wedding gift, and then both of us taking showers, before we finally had to get ready.

After we both left the bathroom, I put on my heels, struggling to pull them on so Louis quietly pushed them on my feel, helping me slip them on. I smiled at his thoughtfulness, before grabbing the gift bag, which held two airplane tickets to Paris, which Louis helped me save up for. I knew they were planning to go for their honeymoon, that was all Melissa talked about when they first got engaged, but I also knew they didn't have the money right now, so I had been saving since Christmas to get them the perfect honeymoon. I couldn't afford anything other than the airplane tickets, so I prayed they could afford a hotel room or something.

If he was here, he would have gotten tickets for us.

"Ella," Louis murmured, pulling me out of yet another trance about the curly haired boy.

"Yeah. Sorry," I said quietly, and he took his hand in mine, before helping me put my coat on and we were out the door. Louis had finally gotten another motorcycle, so we had to take his mum's car today. He politely opened the door for me, and I smiled, stepping in the car and running through my fingers through my hair nervously.

"I promise you'll be fine," Louis grabbed my hand as he got in the car and he started it, and I let out a breath, laying my head on his shoulder, "I'm not going to leave you."

I nodded hesitantly, staying quiet until we arrived at the church where the ceremony was happening. We parked, Louis and I stepping out of the car as I pulled down my dress from under my coat. When we stepped inside the chapel, me and Louis took a seat towards the back, his arm slinging around the pew and I leaned into his side, causing his hand to fall completely around my shoulders.

I watched as crowds of people conversed as they waited for the ceremony to start, many vaguely familiar friends of Aiden's appearing in the loads of people. I looked through the people, wondering who was sitting at the front row where the families of the bride and groom usually sit. I knew Melissa's mother would be here, and her father was walking her down the aisle, but who was in the groom's family?

And that's when I recognized him. As he turned his head slightly to talk to the man who had come up beside him, I immediately recognized him as the one who put me through hell as a child.

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