Chapter Eight.

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Ella's POV

"Ella?" Aiden's voice woke me from my slumber.

"What time is it?" I mumbled quietly.

"It's 2 AM. I was just wondering if you were okay, you've always waited for me to get home, not once have you been asleep when I got here unless Carter's here. And he's not." Aiden said. I just nodded, not trusting my words as I thought of all the events earlier today.

"Well, I know something's wrong but I'm out going to push you. And by the way, me and Melissa's anniversary is tonight or tomorrow, whatever you want to call it, and I really want you to be here." Aiden said, and I nodded. I was glad he wasn't pushing me to tell him what was up.

I soon fell back asleep.


I was awoken to a door slamming. I looked at my phone to see it was 7. The time I was supposed to meet Harry for tutoring.

I slowly got out of bed, walking outside my bedroom to see Aiden sitting on the couch with a frustrated look on his face.

"Morning." I said with a sleepy voice.

"Oh Good morning Ella." Aiden said and I lazily smiled.

"What was the slamming?" I asked.

"Harry." Aiden casually answered.

"Why didn't you let him in?"

"Because I know he did something to you last night by the way you were acting and by the way he was acting. I've practically raised you for years, Ella. I'm not dumb. I know you." He said and I nodded.

"Do you want to talk about it now?" He asked and I shook my head. He let it go and let me get dressed for school.


When I was ready to go, I grabbed everything I needed for today and walked out of my room. I kissed Aiden's cheek before walking out the front door.

I walked down the porch steps and stepped onto the sidewalk before catching a glimpse of the mop of brown curls in front of me.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking, ignoring Harry who was now walking beside me.

"Ella." He said. I kept walking, ignoring the fact our hands kept brushing and he kept saying my name.

"Ella. Goddammit just hear me out!" He yelled and I stopped.

"What? What could you possibly say to help yourself?! You tried to humiliate me in front of the whole school." I said.

"I was telling the truth!" He yelled.

"Oh! Wow." I started, "Where are the cameras, Harry?" I asked.

"Nowhere." He said.

"So, what? You need me, for what? Tutoring, and projects. That's it. So don't even say that was the truth because you are still an asshole for doing that to me." I said.

"I know." He said.


"Sorry." He added.

I stopped walking again and looked at him. "This is your last chance. I will continue to be nice to you if you don't do that. You have no idea how that made me feel. Okay? Now I don't want to be your friend so you should go away before people see you with me because I'm sure you wouldn't want to ruin your reputation. Goodbye, Harry." I said before walking faster to get away from him.


After school I went to Harry's house for tutoring and we worked for a good two hours.

"I should go before your, um, Mom comes." I said.

"I'm sorry about that, Ella. I really am." He said.

"Don't apologize. She can think what she thinks. But it's not true. I am not one of your bimbos, nor do I want to be." I said and he smirked.

"You sure?" I ignored him and got my stuff before leaving and going back home.



I updated!

Uhmm...Idk what to say.


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