Chapter Thirty-One.

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Ella's POV

"Harry this is so cliché," I pouted.

"I don't care, just close your eyes, we're almost there," he said, coming up behind me and putting his arms around me, covering my eyes with his enormous hands.

"Tell me again why we didn't just drive here," I laughed and he chuckled as he started moving, leading us to wherever we were going. The only thing I knew was I had never been here before and we were on grass. And I was freezing.

Harry abruptly stopped us, and I felt him lean down, his hot breath fanning over my neck and left cheek.

"Are you ready?" He asked me and I nodded slowly as he slowly took his hands away.

"Oh my god," I mumbled taking in my surroundings. We were at the woods, a trail illuminated by torches surrounding the darkness.

I turned to look at Harry, shock still clear on my face and he smiled at me.

This was perfect.

"Harry thank you so much!" I squealed, putting my arms around him. He hesitated to hug back, but he eventually did, kissing the top of my head. 

"Come on," he said as we pulled away from our embrace, "We've got some walking to do."

I smiled as he took my hand, intertwining our fingers and leading us to the trail. We walked in silence until he finally spoke.

"I'm, I'm really happy with you, Ella." He confessed and I smiled.

"I'm happy with you too," I smiled, leaning into him and smiling.

We walked through the woods, my gaze watching all the surroundings around us. The woods finally began to fade and we were in front of a lake, a small cottage to our left. The full moon reflected off the water, and I looked to Harry in amazement.

"You did all this?" I questioned Harry and he nodded. My jaw dropped open. I didn't realize I had strayed a bit away from Harry until he approached me, putting an arm around my shoulders. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers, as he led us into the small cottage.

He flipped on the light switch, the room lighting up with no furniture. I smiled as there was a big blanket laid beside the fireplace, two pillows and another blanket on top of it. Harry walked over and dug his lighter out of his pants pocket, lighting a piece of paper and throwing it into the fireplace on top of a piece of wood.

He then turned off the light switch, only leaving the firelight.

I walked towards him, taking a seat on the blanket and watching the fire as it illuminated Harry's figure. He took a seat beside me, taking my hips in his hands and turning me to face him. I criss crossed my legs and he did the same, taking my hands and intertwining our fingers.

"If I ask you a question, will you answer honestly?" He asked me and I nodded.

"As long as I get a question too." I smiled, kissing his lips briefly.  He could literally ask anything so I was curious.

"I know you get uncomfortable every time I even mention it but you need to trust me...Um, What happened to your parents?" He asked and I winced, taking my gaze off of him staying in silence.

"Trust me baby," he whispered, lifting my chin up to look at him and tenderly kissing my lips.

"My mom, she died," I said, my eyes looking everywhere but Harry, my eyes starting to water just thinking about the memories, "And my dad? He, um, he left." I confessed, a tear starting to roll down my face but I wiped it away quickly.

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