Chapter Thirty-Five.

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Ella's POV

5 days we had been in London. And I was having the time of my life.

The first day, Harry was exhausted from driving since he wouldn't let me drive at all, so as we checked into the hotel, we went to our room and I unpacked our things while he slept. As soon as I was finished and I had seen our balcony view, it was 3 AM so I climbed in the twin bed with him and went to sleep. Harry had revealed to me that he had been to London countless times so he knew the place, acting as if he were my tour guide.

The second day Harry took me to breakfast, we literally walked around London all day, had dinner, then went swimming at the hotel's indoor pool, having to buy a swim suit at a shop nearby.

The third day we were too lazy to do anything so we watched TV all day and ordered room service.

The fourth day Harry took me to the London Eye, the marvelous ferris wheel type thing that showed me all around London, the magical city I had now grown so fond of, that I didn't want to leave. We then returned to the hotel,

The fifth day, yesterday, we stayed in most of the day, lounging on the balcony and we went walking that night because it started snowing.

Today, Harry took me to a small café with a stage and we listened to nearby bands that I enjoyed, but Harry convinced he hated, even though I could see his head move to the beat or his foot tapping on the floor.

Now we were sitting on the balcony, not ready to leave tomorrow. I sat on the ledge, completely fearless of heights as my legs hung over. Harry's arms were wrapped around me as we watched the city of London live at this time of night.

"I don't want to leave tomorrow," I mumbled and Harry hummed in response, his head buried in the crook of my neck.

"I know, baby," he said to me, kissing at my neck and working his way up to my lips. He turned me around and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my legs and picking me up, not breaking our lips' contact and moved inside. He gently laid me down on the bed and was on top of me.

He pulled off my pajama shorts, tossing them across the room and then started for my shirt. But as it reached above my bellybutton, I stopped his hands, breaking from the kiss and pulling my shirt back down.

"W-what's wrong?" Harry asked breathlessly, still on top of me.

"I'm not ready, Harry." I mumbled lowly, sliding out from under him and getting my shorts from the floor, pulling them up my legs.

"Are you ever going to be ready?" He mumbled under his breath and I rolled my eyes.

"Is sex everything to you?" I spat, crossing my arms as I kept my eyes planted on everything but him and his silence answered for me.

"Forget this," I mumbled, moving to pack my stuff but he stopped in front of me.

"Can we at least talk about this?" He asked me and I huffed.

"No. You need to learn that not everything is about you and that I have feelings too. Sex isn't everything, that's why I'm waiting," I said with a low voice.

"Bitch," he said under his breath that I probably wasn't supposed to hear but I did.

"Excuse me?" I spat.

"You heard me. You're being a selfish bitch over something that doesn't mean anything," he threw back and I rolled my eyes.

"It doesn't mean just nothing to me!" I began to yell, starting to sound my ground. "It means everything to me, and if you don't get that," I paused, taking in a deep breath, "then I guess you're just that pathetic." I regretted my words as soon as they came out of my mouth and I watched how Harry reacted to my words, trying to make it seem as if it hadn't affected him at all.

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