Chapter Eleven.

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Ella's POV

I slipped out of my dress as I reached my room and changed into my pajamas. I put my dress in my dirty laundry and limped to the kitchen to get the first aid kit, trying to be quiet since Aiden was asleep already.

I jumped onto the counter to open the top cabinet since I couldn't reach it and pulled the box down, sitting it on the counter as I straightened my leg out.

After cleaning all the blood off of my leg, I wrapped my left up in the cloth wrap thing after covering the place with a bandaid and jumped off the counter, making sure not to put too much pressure on my leg.

I'm glad tomorrow's Saturday, I don't have to deal with Harry or school and I'm hoping I can hang out with Carter for a while since we haven't really hung out lately.

I scrolled through Tumblr on my laptop before falling asleep and dreaming of a certain curly haired boy.



Once I awoke the next day, I was hoping to just have a peaceful day until I heard yelling out in the living room. I carefully got up, curious to what's going on.

My knee still hurt like hell and I still wish I wouldn't have gone to that party last night. I don't understand why I always give into Harry so much. I've known him for what, 2 months? Yeah, I've went to school with him for 3 years but we never talked. He was too busy building a reputation.

I can't believe I have feelings for him. Why him? He would never feel the same way and he would just get in my pants and then break my heart. I would rather be in love with my gay best friend than to like Harry. But life just isn't on my side because I do like Harry and he will never like me back.

As I finally reached the living room, I saw Aiden's face in Harry's as they yelled at each other.

"I said no!" Aiden yelled.

"She can choose whoever the fuck she wants to talk to!" Harry yelled back.

"Harry, I said leave. I will kick your ass if you are ever back here." Aiden said before both of them noticed me.

"Actually, me and Ella have a project to do and she's my tutor so I have to be here. Right, Ella?" Harry asked looking at me.

"No," I said, "I'm done tutoring you, Harry. We're almost done with the project, I can finish it myself. Just, please leave." I said. He looked at me questionably before speaking once again.

"Why, Ella? What the hell did I do?!" He yelled at me.

"Oh, so you don't remember?" I said becoming angry.

Harry's POV

"Remember what?" I said, my voice growing softer.

What the hell is she-?

Oh fuck. Last night. My memory is blurry but I do remember talking shit about Ella while she was gone. Where did she go again?

What exactly did I say?

"I'm sor-" I started but she cut me off.

"No. Stop. Don't try to apologize because it won't work. You really think I'm in love with you?! You think that every fucking girl at our school is all over you, but it's not. All those girls swoon over you, except for me. Not because you're not hot, or because you don't have the charm, but because your ego is way too big and I can't even stand to be around you when you're with your friends. But, you are so nice and sweet to me when we're alone. Why is that, Harry? Are you embarrassed of your tutor?! I'm your lab partner, not your girlfriend so if I'm really that bad, then you should just go." She said, the anger clearly written all over her.

"Ella-" I tried to stay but she stopped me once again.

"Just go." She said quietly.


"I said Go." She snapped before turning to walk away. I sighed, taking one last glance at her and then her brother before walking out the front door.

Why did I even try anyways? Why am I always trying to apologize to Ella. I've never cared this much about what a girl thinks of me, hell, about what anyone thinks of me. But, Ella is different. She sees through people's flaws and she is so sweet. Yet she is stubborn and has an attitude that doesn't compare to anyone.

Ella is so much different than all the other girls at school. She doesn't give me googly eyes or hands me slips of papers with a cheesy note and a phone number on it.

She doesn't even realize her beauty. I know she's insecure by the way she looks at herself but she really has no reason to be. She's gorgeous. When we're working together, she bites at the clip on her mechanical pencil and then she'll swirl it around in between her fingers. I find it adorable and I can't help but stare when she does it. And the fact that she always cares what people think about her is astonishing. Unlike all of the other girls, she actually cares when she's called horrible names. She will never admit it but Ella is very sensitive and I've known that since my mum called her all those horrible names.

Wait a minute...Do I like Ella?

No. I can't. I have never, and I mean never, liked a girl. Sure, I've slept with many girls countless of times, but I've never actually felt anything.

I like my reputation as a player because if I am a player, I don't have to commit to anyone and I can sleep with whoever I want to, whenever I want to. It's great.

I am over thinking this. Maybe I just want to get Ella in my bed and all these crazy thoughts will go away. She really is pretty much the only hot girl I haven't slept with at our school. The way that her eyes lighten up around her brother, or Carter, or when she gets a problem right. The way she will put her long brown hair in a bun just because it's annoying her as she's working. Her lips, they just look so kissable and-


The only way to get these crazy thoughts out of my head is to get her to sleep with me and then I will be fine.

But, how? Ella is way too innocent and I know she wouldn't let that happen.

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