Chapter Sixty-Six.

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Chapter 66.

Ella's POV 

Determined, I fast walked out of that diner and swiftly entered the range rover, driving straight to 'my' house and letting out a breath of relief as I saw Louis' motorcycle still parked in the driveway. I rushed out of the car, tears rolling down my face for no exact reason and entered the house as it was unlocked, going straight to the bedroom, knowing he would be there, nicely folding my clothes as I would.

And that's exactly what I saw when I got to the doorway. 

"Think you can get rid of me that easy, Tomlinson?" I don't know why I was in such a not-bad mood, but I was enjoying it while it lasted. I crossed my arms and leaned against the doorway, watching as his face turned up to look at me confused. 

"I wasn't-"

"Oh come here," I said and instead of waiting for him to get all the way to me, we met in the middle and I embraced him for I don't know how long, before we pulled away. 

I had decided so fast to come here, but I hoped he wasn't going to ask me about my father again. After I thought about it on the way here, I realized that was something between me and Ha-him, and sharing it would be too much and too personal for me. 

"I'm sorry," I cried and he smiled.

"It's okay, Ella, it's okay."

We both decided to leave it at that, not wanting to start fighting, even though I knew Louis was too much of a kind soul to let us get into it, letting me win right away. We also both decided I needed to stay here, well mostly I decided, because I couldn't lead him on like I was and this would stop the temptations to try to blossom a relationship out of whatever this was. I did agree on letting eachother spend the night occasionally, knowing I couldn't handle being alone in this house every single night.

"Let's go to bed, eh?" I nodded in agreement, as he pulled his shirt off, usually sleeping in pajamas, but he didn't have any here and I knew he wouldn't even try to borrow some of his clothes for my sake. We both go comfortable in the bed, my head snuggled into Louis' neck, his arms around me as mine lay on his chest. I looked up at him and smiled before shutting my eyes.

"But.." he began, "I do want to ask you something.

"Anything," I giggled, not opening my eyes.

"There's a thing, at our school, like next week. A dance-"


"As friends."

"It's not that, I just, don't know if I'm ready for such a social gathering..."

"Please, El? I promise it will be fun. And I kinda already bought the tickets so.."

I giggled at how persistant he was being, not wanting to go myself but wanting to make Louis happy. He was always doing everything he could to make me feel better, and it was my turn to return the favor. So I nodded, before he smiled, then let us go to sleep while I was still in a good mood. 

I was wearing all white, a bouquet of flowers held in my hand as I paced around the room. The veil was stuck in my hair as I looked in the mirror, feeling extremely self-conscious as I was preparing to leave the room. 

A soft knock came from the door and I softly said 'come in', in which the door peaked open to reveal my father. 

"Ella, we're ready for you. The maid of honor and best man just started walking down the aisle," he said and I nodded, walking out of the small room and taking a deep breath. I locked arms with my father, waiting until my designated music started for me to go.

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