Chapter Fifty-Three.

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Chapter 53.

Ella's POV

After the perfect eighteenth birthday, (where Harry had to explain the party to me later the next day and held my hair when I got embarrassingly sick and took care of me when I was hungover, then told me I had tried to have sex with him which made the embarrassment worse) it was finally Harry's birthday.

After a full week of planning with Louis and the other boys, I was hoping it would turn out as perfect as I had imagined.

I knew I couldn't top Harry's birthday plans for me, but I can sure as hell try.

It was Saturday, so I didn't have to worry about missing school, but I stayed at my house that night so I could wake Harry up the next morning.

I whistled as I walked along the sidewalk to Harry's house, still a little skittish from that incident months ago in the alleyway.

Once I got there, I froze as Anne was walking off of the porch. I tried not to let her notice me but she had already, opening her mouth to speak but closing it again. She then merely just smiled at me before getting in her car and driving off.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before shaking my head and walking up the stairs to Harry's home, glancing at the neatly wrapped present lying in front of the door and I picked it up.

There was a note on top of it and I curiously read it.

Happy Birthday my baby.

I'm so sorry everything is so different now. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when Gemma was gone. I'm sorry I didn't leave your father when you knew he was bad. And I'm so sorry for blaming you.

I love you so much.

-Anne xx

Blaming him?

I brushed it off and knew it wouldn't be a good idea to talk to him about it, so I wouldn't mention anything.

I held the presents in my hands and also the small cake that looked homemade and unlocked his door with the spare key he gave me, walking in quietly.

I set the presents on the coffee table and made my way to Harry's room, opening it to reveal him laying face down in his bed in only his boxers. His curls were a mess on top of his head as the white comforter laid beside him, which he had most likely pushed off in the middle of the night because he gets so hot but refuses to let go of me.

I smiled at the attractive boy in front of me, wondering how someone like me had gotten someone like him.

"Harry," I murmured in an attempt to wake him up but he just groaned in response, signaling he was awake but wasn't planning to move anytime soon.

I immediately climbed on top of him, pushing his curls out of his face before peppering kisses all over his face and giggling when his lips curled into a smile.

"Babe," he murmured before turning his face and kissing me lazily and I giggled.

"Happy Birthday," I said excitedly and he grumbled.

"I told you I didn't want anything," he said but I rolled my eyes.

"You've gotta want something, Harry," I tried to reason with him.

"You," he smirked with his eyes still closed and my cheeks flushed.

"I know your blushing," he said, his smirk still etched on his face.

"Am not!" I lied and he just chuckled.

"Sure you aren't baby," he said before opening his eyes and I climbed off of him.

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