Chapter Twenty-Three.

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Ella's POV

I awoke as I was carried bridal style, the now soft rain falling on me as I was carried inside a house, the intoxicating scent of Harry emitting from the room as we entered. I opened my eyes more and looked up at Harry, who was headed toward the kitchen. He lifted me up and rested me on the counter, my head falling as I weakly sat there as Harry walked out of the room.

I felt so pitiful. I so badly wanted to leave, to get away from everyone. But as I jumped from the counter, I immediately fell. My ankle was killing me as well as my back, probably from being slammed into the brick wall. I cried out as I laid on the ground, trying to sit up, but the pain in my back was unbearable now from my fall.

Harry ran into the room, a first aid kit in his hand. He laid it on the counter and looked at me.

"Fuck," he mumbled under his breath as he rushed to me. He picked me up again and set me on the counter as silent tears fell from my eyes. I stayed silent, I didn't want to talk.

I could have been raped.

Harry gently pulled my shoes and socks off, looking at my feet.

"Which one?" Was all he asked and I pointed to my right ankle. He nodded and gently lifted it up, making me wince as he examined it.

He cleaned up my legs and bandaged my ankle, before turning to look at my neck. I couldn't see it but from the burning sensation I was feeling I was sure I was cut.

"I don't think you want bandages all over your neck but there's claw marks and you're a bit bruised." He mumbled, tilting my chin up. "Does it hurt?" He asked.

"A little" I said but it came out as more of a whisper. The thought of his hands latched onto my throat made tears fall from my eyes. I was so helpless. Harry noticed and wiped the tears away with his thumbs, softly caressing my cheeks. He leaned in, brushing his lips on mine but I pulled away.

I never stopped hating you

I don't like you

I just wanted you to sleep with me

I don't want to be with you

His words repeated in my head as he looked at me intently. I wanted to run away, but I couldn't.

"Ella..." Harry said and I turned away from his gaze.

"Can I shower?" I asked and he nodded, picking me up once again.

"I'll walk," I told him but he shook his head and kept me in his arms. He took me into the bathroom and set me on the closed toilet while he went to get me towels.

After he left, I took of my clothes and stepped into the shower turning on the water where it was as hot as it could go. I carefully washed my hair with Harry's shampoo that smelled like him but I didn't care at the moment. It was difficult standing in the shower with my ankle hurting but it got even more difficult when I washed my body.

So, knowing me, I almost slipped about 3 times but caught myself on the wall of the shower.

After cleaning myself and turning off the water, I stepped out of the shower and dried my hair a little with the towel and then putting it around my body. I looked down at my clothes to see them dirty but I was going to put them on anyways until there was a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I said.

"You can wear some of my clothes if you want." Harry's voice said through the door and I didn't answer. I put my bra back on and then wrapped the towel back around me, unlocking the bathroom door to see Harry still standing there. He looked at me and I walked past him into his room, or what I'm guessing is his room.

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