Chapter Forty-Nine.

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Chapter 49.

Ella's POV

As we pulled up to my driveway, I leaned down to put my shoes back on my feet, and by the time I was done, Harry had opened the car door for me.

He walked me to the front of his car before wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Call me when you're ready okay?" He asked, leaning down and kissing my nose.

I nodded and arched my back as he leaned down to kiss me, my arms going around his neck, my fingers tousled in his curls.

"I love you," he mumbled against my lips, "no matter what ever happens, you will always and forever be the only girl I have and will ever love."

"I love you, Harry," I said, before letting him pull away. He gave me one last peck on the lips before resting his forehead on mine, kissing my cheek and then slowly walking back to his car.

He smiled at me through the windshield before pulling out and turning towards the way of his house. I walked into my house and closed the door behind me, heading straight to my room to find Louis, standing in front of my wall with all my pictures.

I slowly walked up to him, grabbing his sides and he jumped in surprise. I giggled and jumped on his back, still laughing at the fact I had scared my best friend.

"What's up?" I said, looking at the picture he was eyeing. I ignored the photo of me and Harry, I was giggling as I explained the word 'selfie' to him and he pressed the capture button and said "like this?"

"Aiden let me in, but then he and Melissa went out. I hope you don't mind..." He trailed off.

"No, you're fine." I smiled even though he couldn't really see me as I was latched onto his back.

He walked us to my bed and leaned down, making me fall to the surface of my bed.

He pulled his bag onto the bed and I stood up, getting my books from my book bag and straying them across my bed, and We turned to the pages of the textbook we needed to study.

"This wasn't all I came her for," Louis said and I furrowed my eyebrows, "I actually have something to tell you."

"Oh," I said, "I have something to tell you too."

"You first," he said and I nodded slowly.

"Please don't be mad." I begged and he nodded.

"Me and Harry are back together..." I said quietly.

"What?" He said, furrowing his eyebrows and standing up.

"Louis, please." I begged, standing up to stop his pacing.

"No. He doesn't deserve you, Ella." Was all he said, walking out of my room before I could stop him. I chased after him and by the time I was there, he was on his motorcycle and was putting his helmet on.


He ignored me and backed out of my driveway, driving off as fast as he could and I sighed.

I went back in my room, defeated, and picked up my phone, calling Harry to come pick me up. He told me he'd be a bit late because of the "business" he had to do, even though I knew he was just going to beat a druggie up. I sighed and laid back on my bed, waiting patiently.


After about an hour, Harry still wasn't here but my phone rang. There was no caller ID, so I pressed the answer button and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke in the phone.

"Is this Ella?" An unknown woman said through the phone.

"Yeah. May I ask who this is?" I said puzzled.

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