Chapter Forty-Seven.

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Chapter 47.

Ella's POV

I woke up to an empty bed and I sighed, he must have left to do something for Jay.

I groaned and sat up, running my fingers through the tangled mess of my hair.

I yawned and stretched my arms, before standing up and walking sleepily out of the room. I made my way to the kitchen, my senses not working at its best this early in the morning.

I screamed when two arms wrapped around my waist from behind, before sighing as I recognized that it was just the boy I love.

"Good morning beautiful," he mumbled in my ear, kissing right under it.

"Morning, Harry," I smiled.

"Sleep well?" He asked me, turning me around to face him.

"Mhm. But I thought you had left..." I trailed off as my eyes caught a glimpse of the dining room table.

I looked back at Harry and instead of the cocky smile I was expecting from him, his hands were shoved in his pockets and he looked nervous.

There was two plates of food on the table, with my favorite breakfast foods, and there was a rose in the middle of it.

I turned back to Harry, who's was only wearing a pair of sweatpants, before mumbling an "all this..for me?"

"I love you. And I have to make what I did up to you. I'm trying." He said and I smiled walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands immediately went around my waist.

"I noticed this morning you had changed the sheets." I said. Though it wasn't significant for someone to just change their sheets usually, it was to me because Harry usually just washes them and puts them back on. It looked like he had bought a whole new set.

He nodded, "I was disgusted and I thought you would be too."

"How did I end up with a guy like you?" I said, mostly to myself and he looked at me puzzled.

"No. I'm a fuck up. Obviously," he said, "how did I end up with a girl like you?"

"I'm a nobody," I half laughed.

"Because you choose to be. You really don't see all the guys that gawk at you at school?" He said, laughing but it didn't have much humor in it.

I looked at him totally confused, then shook my head laughing. He's mental.

"I'm serious. Do you not realize how many times I've had to threaten these guys to stop eye raping the fuck out of you in front of me?" He went on.

"No? I really don't see that happening."

"Just watch. You'll see." He said and I nodded, giggling as he picked me up bridal style and sitting me in one of the chairs, pushing me in then getting in himself.

"You're so damn beautiful," he mumbled and I blushed, smiling and looking away from him.

We are the delicious breakfast Harry cooked for us, before I picked up my plate and was about to take it to the sink but he quickly got up and took it from me.

"Go get dressed, El. I've still got plans for us." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows but didn't question further.

I quickly jumped in the shower and stayed in there for a little longer than usual, before getting out and drying off, putting my undergarments on and rushing to Harry's room, the cold atmosphere of his house freezing my almost bare body.

I quickly put on a flannel and a pair of skinny jeans, brushing my hair as it dried.

Harry came in as I was putting on my shoes, smiling at me.

He led me out of his bedroom and walked me to his car, opening the door for me before getting in himself. He immediately grabbed my hand as we started driving, smirking at me.

"You ready for this, babe?"


Jeesh this chapter is short.



ITS NOW xheismysunshinexo

Weird? Maybe. Idc.

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