Chapter Twenty-Five.

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Ella's POV

We were only about a block away from the coffee shop now, hand in hand.

I wore my clothes from yesterday since I didn't want to go home yet to face my brother. Harry wore his usual, black skinny jeans and a white V-neck. He looked at me and smiled.

He was actually pretty good at this dating thing so far. He's sweet and caring, but I'm scared that it won't last long. It hasn't even been 24 hours yet.

As we approached the coffee shop, spotting the boys through the window, Harry immediately dropped my hand and put distance between us.

Okay then...

As we opened the door and entered, we sat at a round table and I didn't even sit beside Harry. I was between Louis and Niall. I know Niall already hates me because of what happened in Science class when I 'took' Harry but I've never actually spoken to Louis. Liam was probably the nicest in the group, the only one with a girlfriend, her name was Danielle. I had talked to her once, but I didn't have any classes with her and she almost always had dance practice. And Zayn, well, he doesn't like me either because of what happened in Gym class with Carter. But, he's more mysterious.

"Why did you bring her?" Niall said, pointing to me as if I was a horrifying creature.

I sat there, silent, letting Harry answer.

"She still has to tutor me, guys. Damn." Harry lied and I kept my face emotionless.

"Well, In that case..." Louis said, putting his hand on my thigh. I was about to push him off when I caught Harry staring at us, an icy glare that he was trying to keep hidden as he clenched his hands together in fists.

I smirked at him. Two can play at this game, Harry.

If he's so ashamed of being with me, then he's not gonna be with me. Especially if it's just in private. I won't do that, I won't be used like that.

"You're so gorgeous, babe," Louis whispered in my ear and I purposely giggled at his compliment. His hand went farther up my leg and I smiled, glancing at Harry who was watching us carefully.

The boys kept conversations, except Harry, while Louis talked to me. He was nicer than Harry was.

Louis leaned in and kissed my jaw, causing Harry to push his seat out and stand up, walking to us and grabbing my wrist, pulling me out of my chair and outside the coffee shop.

He literally dragged me outside, pulling me farther away and stopping once we got a few blocks down.

"What the fuck was that, Ella?!" He yelled at me, gripping my wrist tighter.

"I could ask you the same." I said back in a harsh tone.

"I wasn't the one practically fucking cheating right in front of me!" He spat.

"It's not cheating if we're not together." I bit back, ripping my hand from his grip, which probably wouldn't have been possible if he would have been expecting it.

"I'm not done with you!" He yelled and I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me.

"Well I'm done with you." I said and walked off.

I knew he was following behind me but I didn't care. He wasn't gonna accuse me of cheating if he didn't even act like we were together.


As I was about to pass Harry's house to go to mine, Harry grabbed my forearm and pulled me onto his porch. He grabbed both of my arms and pushed me up against the wall of the house, forcing his lips on mine.

What the hell? 

I wanted to kiss back so bad but I wasn't going to let him win. I tried pushing him off but he was too strong. He pushed into me further and I turned my head but it wasn't working.  He still moved his lips against my motionless ones, trying to get a response out of me.

He finally pulled away from me, laying his forehead on mine, a gesture I was now used to from him. But this time I kept my eyes away from him.

He finally let me go and I walked off of the porch, going in the direction of my house.

"Ella," Harry said from behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face him, crossing my arms, my face emotionless.

By his facial expression, I figured that he was going to say "we aren't good together" or "I don't want to be with you anymore" so I waited for him to speak.

"I think-" he started but I interrupted him.

"Yeah, me too. We just aren't good together." I said and turned back around to walk away from him.

"No," he said and I turned back around, "that's not what I was going to say."

"Okay fine. You were going to say that I'm a bitch and I cheated on you. That you're embarrassed of me. You were going to say that you never do anything and it's always me. Go ahead, tell me Harry. What else do you have to say?" I said and he didn't say anything, he walked up to me.

I didn't realize I was crying until he wiped my tears away with the pads of his thumbs. He then proceeded to run his hands down my arms until they reached my hands, intertwining our fingers together.

"I wasn't going to say that," he said lowly, "I've never felt this way about someone, and I'm trying so hard to be good enough for you. I'm new to this whole dating thing, but I'm willing to try and change. For you, Ella."

I didn't know what to say. But I didn't have to because his lips were on mine again. It wasn't a forceful kiss. It was soft and sweet, almost in slow motion. And it was one of the best kisses we've had so far.

Harry's POV

I don't know what the hell I'm doing. But what I said was true.

I know I'm risk in fucking everything by being with Ella, maybe even my life, but it's worth it.

The way she makes me feel is just something I've never felt before. It's indescribable. I never know what to expect from her and it fucking kills me. Small contact, even holding hands, gives me more chills down my spine than fucking those other whores. It's fucking extraordinary.

As she finally gave in, kissing me back softly, I smiled against her lips and pulled away slowly, putting my forehead against hers, something I do all the time as a comforting gesture.

She bent her head down and looked at her feet, taking her forehead off of mine, but I lifted her chin up softly with my two fingers.

I put my lips on hers again, gently kissing her. She was so fragile. She pretends to be strong but on the inside, she's not. She has walls built up and so do I, we both have secrets that we're too afraid to speak of.

But I intend to figure her out.

Ella wrapped her arms around my neck as I deepened the kiss. She smiled against my lips as my hands went around her waist. And as we kissed, I mumbled an "I love you" against her lips, not only admitting it to her but to myself.

I love her so goddamn much.


What did I just write?



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