Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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Ella's POV

I was fearful as we approached Harry's driveway and Anne's car was in the lot. I knew she already disliked me so seeing her here was adding a lot to my worries right now. I just wanted to go in and sleep, I was tired and today has already been eventful enough.

Harry cursed under his breath and sighed, looking at me with a small, comforting smile, squeezing my hand before getting out of the car. I opened my car door and got out of the car also, closing the passenger door behind me before turning around, jumping as Harry was already behind me with my stuff in my hand.

"Maybe I should just go home," I murmured.

He shook his head, gently touching my cheek that was once hit by my brother, leaning down and softly kissing me.

"She won't be here long, I'm making her leave," Harry said.

"She's your mother," I said and he ignored my comment, grasping my hand with his free one and leading me towards the door.

"Har-" his mum started as we entered the living room but stopped as she stopped me, giving me a disgusted look.

"Mum" Harry said and she crossed her arms. I kept my head down as he kept a hold of my hand as I tried to pull it away.

"Harry what the hell? What did I tell you about the skanks in your home!" Anne snapped at her son,

"First of all, it's my fucking house so I can do whatever the hell I want. Second of all, Ella is not a skank. Not even close." He defended and his mother scoffed. I let my gaze travel to me and Harry's intertwined hands, his thumb running up and down my hand.

"Then why the hell is she here?"

"She's my girlfriend!" He yelled.

"Your what?" His mother choked and he huffed in annoyance.

"You heard me. Get out." He said.

"Wait Harry I'm sor-" she said but he cut her off.

"You've said enough. Now leave me and Ella be. I don't want to see you here again. Bye mum." He said and I heard her footsteps go past us. I felt guilty. I didn't want to ruin Harry's relationship with his mum.

Once we heard the door close, I picked my head up and looked at Harry who was already looking at me. "Are you okay, babe?" He asked me and I nodded slightly.

"I've been worse." I gave him a smile and he leaned down, touching my chin and kissing me lightly before we walked upstairs to his bedroom.

He laid my bags in the floor and surprised me by picking me up and wrapping my legs around his torso as he pushed me up against the door, kissing me with hunger. Our lips moved and I giggled as he bit my lip and squeezed my sides.

My arms went to his curls, making him groan as I pushed his hair through my fingers.

"Don't tease me," he hummed against my lips and I giggled again.  We finally pulled away breathless and he kissed my forehead before letting me down.

I looked towards his bed, zoning out as I saw a piece of red fabric peaking from under the bed. Curiously, I went past Harry to examine only to discover a piece of red lace underwear lying on the ground. I cringed in disgust, standing up straight and sitting on the bed to face Harry.

"That was from before-" he started but I shook my head to make him stop talking.

"I know."

"Then what's wrong?"

I shook my head and turned away from him, letting a test fall down my face.

"Ella please. You have to tell me." He approached the bed and sat down, pulling me into his lap.

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