Chapter Seventy.

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Chapter 70.

Ella's POV

I made his sister lie to him. 

I lied to him. I had listened to why he left, listen to him beg to have me back but I just stood there. I let him walk away, thinking I didn't love him, thinking he had come back for nothing, and now I didn't know what to do. That necklace was one of the most important things to me, as it had been for him, and I had practically threw it in his face, threw us in his face when I gave it back to him. 

I wanted to stop him, I really did, I just didn't know what to say, and I let him go off of his self-destructive thoughts, only meaning one thing. 

He thought I didn't love him. 

And god did I hate myself for it. I hated myself for lying to him about me getting his sister, for hiding things from him even though he used to do it all the time. I hated myself for letting him think his apparent affection was just one-sided, and I knew he wouldn't be thinking straight because of it. He wasn't the Harry I first met anymore, no, but when he gets hurt, he blames himself and he stops trying. He gives up. I don't want to do that to him, I don't want to see him suffer, It'd hurt me to see him suffer, but I just don't know what to do. Can I really be with him again after everything? Would that even be okay if I were to take him back so easily? 

I just didn't know.

After finally deciding to leave, I realized I had no ride home and I couldn't walk considering I was on the other side of town. And there was only one other person that knew about this place so I was pretty much screwed.

I crossed my arms as the chilly night breeze hit me, before I began walking along the dark road dangerously. There was only car in sight, and I prayed they'd ignore me and continue driving. But I wasn't that lucky, as the car slowed down, my heartbeat not dying down until I recognized it as the Range Rover that I had already been in today. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, and finally noticed that tears were still rolling down my cheeks. I watched as he opened the door, immediately rushing over to me and wrapping his arms around me. 

"I'm sorry for leaving you, oh fuck I'm so sorry."

I let out a shaky sob into his chest, feeling pathetic that I was the one crying over him, when I had been the one to let him go. I didn't know what to do, or even say anymore, but I knew this is what I needed. He is what I needed, he was the only thing I needed. He needed to know that. He needed to know I still loved him. 


"Let's get you home," he interrupted me as he opened the passenger door for me. I sighed and wiped my tears, getting in the car and letting him close it behind me before he was back in the driver's seat, making a U-turn and heading to the house we shared. After we pulled in the driveway, I looked at him as he left the car on, making no move to turn it off or get out of the car. 

"Aren't you coming?" I quietly asked him as I unbuckled my seat belt. 

"Do you want me to walk you in?" he wondered and I shook my head, finally realizing he had no intention to stay here. 

"Actually, yeah, can you walk me in?" I asked quietly, hoping he'd agree so I could tell him the truth. It had to happen, and it had to happen now. 

He nodded and got out of the car with me, walking behind me to the door, letting me unlock it. 

"Harry..." I murmured, but he just gave me the smallest of smiles before walking off. I didn't know if there was a point to run after him, he wouldn't listen to me. I already gave him a reason to believe I didn't love him, so now he didn't see the point in trying. He thinks I don't want his affection, that I don't want anything to do with him. 

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