Chapter Nineteen.

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Ella's POV

As I walked into my house, I heard humming coming from the kitchen and I followed the noise to see Melissa waltzing around the kitchen in one of Aiden's T-shirts. She was short, about as short as me, so it came down to about mid-thigh and I smiled, glad that she was back with Aiden.

"Oh, Hi Ella." She greeted me, giving me a warm smile.

"Hi." I smiled back at her.

"So, since I'm back, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me and Aiden to see a movie." She said.

"Actually, I kind of have plans." I said and she smirked at me.

"So a date?"

"I guess you could say that." I laughed.

"With Harry?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I shook my head.

"No, He doesn't like me," I sighed, "And we kind of had a falling out. So, yeah." I mumbled and she pouted.

"It couldn't have been that bad." She assured me.

"It kinda was," I mumbled, "I blurted that I was in love with him."

"Oh..." She said, opening the fridge and getting out the pitcher of tea I'm guessing she made, making two glasses for the two of us.

"Well, have you talked to him since?" She asked me. Usually, I would hate people being in my business, but I'm actually really happy that I now have someone to have 'girl talk'. I've always only had Aiden and Carter and that's kind of awkward.

"Actually...I kind of stayed at his house last night." I said and she gasped, grinning in excitement.

"I want all the details!" She squealed and I laughed.

"Basically, when I left here last night to leave you two alone, I couldn't stay at my best friend's house so I let my feet carry me to wherever they wanted to go and I ended up at Harry's house. I felt stupid for going there and I started to leave but he brought me inside and we sat on the couch and I was really cold so he wrapped his arms around me and then I woke up this morning on top of him, literally on top of him. Then I made him breakfast and he took me to school." I shrugged, it wasn't that big of a deal, was it? I mean, it meant nothing to him.

Melissa squealed, jumping up and down and laughing like a little girl getting ice cream.

I rolled my eyes as she ranted about how we're going to get married and have 96 babies and live happily ever after.

"Okay, Melissa, but I have to go get ready now."

She whined. "Why? Can't you just blow off that dude for Harry? I so ship Hella!" I rolled my eyes at her nonsense and went in my room, laughing at how she thought I actually had a chance with him.


I decided on wearing just a loose white sheer like shirt, along with regular denim shorts and my black Vans. I was looking forward to the warm weather today. By the time I finished touching up my makeup, there was a knock at the door and I got to it before Melissa.

She crossed her arms and pouted, standing behind me as I opened the door to see Jake stand in there with a flower, handing it to me as I smiled.

"It's lovely, thank you." I smiled at him receiving a warm smile back.

"Stupid flower boy." Melissa mumbled under her breath and I rolled my eyes as she took the flower from me.

"Are you ready?" Jake asked me and I nodded, making sure my phone and my money was in my back pocket. He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers, and I smiled as he walked us to his car, opening the door for me like a gentleman and then jogging to his side of the car and getting in, starting the engine.


The car ride was..comfortable. It wasn't an argument or an awkward silence like with Harry. We sat in a comfortable silence, my head resting on the window, my knees up to my chest as Jake drove. Sometimes he would look over at me and smile, we'd make a small conversation and then we'd go silent, but I liked it. I liked being comfortable around him, especially because I'm socially awkward, especially because this is a date.

We had eventually reached the fair, me getting out the same time as he did, meeting him at the front of the car as he put his phone in his pocket along with his keys and his money.

"I would have gotten the door for you, ya know." He told me and I smiled.

"I know. That's why I didn't let you. You're too nice." I told him and he chuckled, grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers just like before as we walked in.

He took us to the ticket booth and I pulled out my money to pay for the wristband for unlimited rides but wasn't able to pay because Jake had already paid for it and was putting on my wristband.

"You didn't have to pay for me." I told him.

"Yeah, I did." He smiled at me, grabbing my hand and walking with me into the fair.

"What do you want to do first?" He asked me.

"Hmm...Ferris Wheel?" I asked and he smiled, nodding.

Harry's POV

I don't even know what brought me here but somehow I ended up parked outside Ella's house. I debated whether to go up to the door and try to talk to her.

Well, Fuck it.

I got out of the car, walking to the door and knocking. I leaned against the door frame as I put my pack of cigarettes in my leather jacket, waiting for someone to open the door.

Finally, that girl that was with Ella that day, Melissa I think, opened the door, wearing a dude's shirts, probably Ella's brother's, and sweatpants. Her hair was in a bun and her eyes widen as she looked up at me.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" She inquired.

"I came to see Ella, I need to talk to her." I answered and she bit her lip as if she were hiding something.

"Um, She's not here." She said.

What? "Where is she?" I asked her.

"Um, well," She paused, "She's kind of on a date." Melissa finally admitted and I huffed. What the hell? Why the fuck is she on a date and who is she with?

"With who?" I asked.

"Flower boy," she mumbled under her breath before speaking, "Jake." She's with fucking Jake? That pussy of a football player that's probably still a virgin? I fucking hate that guy. He's probably better for Ella and I want what's best for her but I fucking want to be with her so bad. I've never wanted to be with a girl, never.

I huffed and left without a goodbye, driving to the closest bar and getting through even though I was underage. I went straight and sat on the end barstool, ignoring all the girls who kept approaching me and continuing to drink until I didn't know what I was doing.


I stumbled out of my chair and walked to my car, laughing at my own clumsiness and starting the engine, my vision blurry as I drove.



So, Our school got robbed and my drama teacher was all pissed off yesterday. She hates me anyways so yeah.

And OMG, Katy Perry's new album came out yesterday!! It's awesome.

One more thing, I put my Kik on here for you guys to talk to me and someone did. She was so sweet and really likes the book. Her name is @crazymofos14 so everyone should go follow her! She's so sweet and nice and I am about to check and see if she has any books. But if she does, then you should read them.

instagram: serenityxky

I lovveeee youuu.<3

Update coming soon! Bye!(:

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