Chapter Fifty-Nine.

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Chapter 59.

Ella's POV

All I could do was wait.

Every time the slightly older boy came near me in that van, my body thrashed and it only amused him even more.

I was done being the scared little girl, so my eyes bore into his in a glare, not letting him intimidate me any longer.

They wanted to see me scared, and I wasn't going to let them win.

When the car finally came to a stop, the driver, who couldn't be more than two years older than me, got out and shut his door before opening mine and grabbing my arms.

"I'm sorry," he murmured so quietly I didn't know if I heard him right. He pulled me out of the van and held onto my wrist so I wouldn't run away, as him and the other boy led me into a huge warehouse, and I know we had to be on the completely other side of town.

What is happening?

The boys put me in wooden chair and ripped the duct tape off my wrist, only for my wrists to be duct taped onto each of the arms of the chair.

"Did you get her, boys?" A man asked as he walked into the room, not in sight yet.

But as he stepped in front of me with a smirk, I immediately recognized him.


He smirked as he came in front of me, pulling a chair up and sitting not even a foot away from me, our eyes level, and I refused to break eye contact as I glared at him.

He grabbed one end of the duct tape on my mouth and ripped it off my lips, causing my to clench my teeth in pain.

"Okay," he said, "Tell me where your precious Harry is and then I'll let you go."

"I don't know."

"Tell me where he fucking is." He said in a louder tone, trying to intimidate me.

"I said I don't know." I said in an even harsher tone as I gritted my teeth.

Right as I sputtered the word, his hand had slapped across my cheek and I quickly regained myself, even though a pain soured through where he had just slapped me.

"Alright, fine. Boys," he said with a chuckle and the two that had brought me had came into view.

"Take her to the-"

"Boss," the one that murmured an apology to me spoke up, "I don't think she knows. We should just let her go."

"And why would I do that, T?" Jay said in a more calm voice.

"If we find out she knows, then we can bring her back. But there's no point in keeping a girl who couldn't even pleasure you," he said and I cringed my nose in disgust at the thought.

"Okay, fine. I'm feeling nice today. But I fucking swear to god, if you know where Harry is and I find out, I will fucking kill you. Got it?" He turned his head and I fought the urge to roll my eyes but instead I just nodded.

"Okay, good. Take her out boys." He said before walking away.

As the two big men grabbed me by the arms and started to drag me out of the warehouse, I caught a glimpse of inside a room, a young girl sat tied in a chair, her head hung low where I could barely make out her face, but I couldn't help but notice she favored Harry in some way, as everything I did nowadays always made me think of Harry.

I kept turning my head more and more to gaze at the girl as the men dragged me away, and she finally turned her head up where I could see her, and I instantly saw Harry in her. She had looked exactly like the girl in Harry's picture, but older, and I knew that it had to be Gemma, and even if it wasn't, I had to get her out of here somehow.

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