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"A flower, for you love." Theo pulled out a small yellow flower from his pocket one morning at breakfast.

"Yellow flowers mean friendship, Theo, which I would gladly be if you weren't asking me out to Hogsmeade every month."

Theodore Nott wasn't your typical witty Slytherin, known for his charming personality and attractive looks, he's got everyone's attention. Not mine.

"Oh c'mon, you're not up for a butterbeer?"

"Save it, Nott, she doesn't want it." Draco's speech instantly shut him up.

Draco Malfoy named himself the leader ever since year one. Though he would seem pretty cowardly near any other house, he's got all of Slytherin wrapped around his finger. High marks in all of his classes, prefect, and the best of all, he's the only one that seems to have zero interest in me.

"You're the one to talk, you've gotten all head over heels for Greengrass, a fourth year!" Adrian Pucey joined our very dull conversation, "now if Nott's bothering you, I won't hesitate to beat him up."

I rolled my eyes. "Thank you for the kind gesture, Pucey, but if that was truly needed, I would've done it myself."

Adrian smirked. "There's the Alicia I know and love."

"Hermione, your little 'fool Umbridge' plan isn't going to make people stop hating me."

"Trust in the process!"

At this point, I couldn't care less about the Slytherin conversations because passing by the tables, followed by two other Gryffindors, was someone I wasn't able to take my eyes off of since second year.

Harry James Potter.

Over the years, my mind has been separating Harry from the other Gryffindor's and Half-Bloods. No, not because of his popularity, but because— I really didn't know. It was fucking pathetic.

He was different. That's the only way I could explain it. And only a fool wouldn't know that I don't fall for people easily. I've never really spoke to him. He has glanced my way a few times in the earlier years which made twelve year old Alicia grow butterflies in her stomach.

I guess that feeling just stuck.

"Alicia! You're doing it again!" Daphne pulled me out of my trance.

"Wha- doing what?"

"Staring at the Potter boy! That guy must be a buffoon for not noticing the way you look at him."

"Oh let me live! I was the one dragging you out of your daydream about Theo yesterday."

She let out a heavy sigh, "you know it's different."

"It really isn't-"

"Your family is Pureblood royalty, Alicia, I know I'm not the one to tell you who to love, but do you really think it would work?"

I shut my eyes closed. "Did I ever say it would work?"

She gave me a reassuring smile. "You know, Zabini seems kinda into you."

Blaise never spoke with anyone. He's usually hanging around Malfoy, and his two goons. He didn't look to be the type to be obsessive, but I'm not one to be deceived.

"I don't care."

"Really? Shallow what is so special about this-"

"You can't just start fancying somebody without reason."

"Oh yeah? What is your reason?"

I immediately shut my mouth. Daphne was right.

I didn't have a reason.

A/N; I do have another ongoing book, so the updating schedule will probably be completely random depending on which story I'm in the mood to write!

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