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TW; gore.

Another bang followed by orders made by older men. Screams of kids. Spells hitting the walls. The room shook relentlessly.

"Alicia, snap out of it!"

"Get off me!" I pushed Daphne's hands away from my shoulders.

Theo stayed out in his chair as if the chaos above meant nothing. "I'd assume Potter has something to do with this."


"That's a real broad assumption, Nott."

He smirked. "Tell me I'm wrong."



"You're not wrong."


The blood was too bright to be old.

I choked back my yelp. The boy laying unconscious in front of us had vivid scars just as red as his hair.

"Oi, ain't that the older carrot top brother?"

"Can't you keep your mouth shut for a second, Nott?!" My voice shook.

Yelling and thumping came closer to our corridor.

"Lumos." I knelt down and pointed the top on my wand to Bill Weasley's face. One deep claw mark stretched from his left ear to his right jaw bone. His right eye laid open and clouded. The wound couldn't have been from over five minutes ago.

The boy's shoulder was drenched in dark maroon blood, two holes clotted, making a perfect bite mark. "Shit." I could've thrown up from the smell of blood. "Werewolves."

"Damn, Lupin's got brothers?"

"I will hex your guts out, Theodore!"

The shouts became louder than ever. The grip on my wand tightened.

He held his hands up in surrender, but I elbowed him in the stomach anyway before turning back to Weasley. I dragged my wand against his skin, muttering small incantations along the way.

"You're healing him!?"

"I swear to Merlin, Nott!"

Even with the interruption, the scars became slightly lighter by the second.

The man was not dead.


A painting hanging on the wall shattered and fell to the ground. Suddenly, flashes of blue and green seared into our eyes.

"Get back here, you bastard!"

"Keep your hands off me!"


The corridor was shaking as a herd of people came running though.



I pulled Bill to the side and clasped Theodore's arm. "Get back to the common room and stay in there."

He didn't want to listen. It was so obvious he didn't want to listen. But when the wall in between our faces split open, the coward went running away.

I passed through the mob of people, shaking and tearing up from the scene. It was as if no one felt my presence, busy with their own chaotic defense.

Masked men against children.

Where is Dumbledore?


It wouldn't have effected me if the floor wasn't made of stone.

With blurry and spiked vision, I watched as others dropped to the ground as well, pools of blood surrounding their figures. Or perhaps it was my own.

"Oh shit! Alicia?"


"Alicia! Can you here me?"

It was a nightmare. Because Adrian Pucey couldn't have been above me. Not when children are being murdered. Not when he was the one in the black masks and cloaks.

He shook me. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I promise!"

And I promised I would never see him again.

"Alicia! Please, say something!"

I looked past him because his face was too much to bear. It was sad to say how a battle could be more comforting to watch than a friend.

I let myself focus on another cloaked man running effortlessly through the halls. He was followed by a very familiar boy, fending off death eaters and struggling from their grip.


I found strength to move.

Adrian looked back reluctantly. Harry caught my gaze and it was like everything paused.

"Confundo," he most likely yelled it, but it came off as a whisper in my ears. The death eater let go of his arm and jaggedly strolled away.

"What the hell, Pucey?"

He pushed Adrian down.

"I didn't- I mean- I didn't mean to-"

Harry held his wand to his throat. Adrian could just as well have been crying. "Sod off, now!"

And he did.


I blinked.


I heard him as clear as ever.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" He positioned his hand on my back and sat me upright.

Another painting crashed behind us and we both flinched.

"Nothing- just the stunning spell."

He pushed my hair back behind my ears. "Listen, you need to find the others— Ginny, Hermione— they'll know what to do-"

"How did the death eaters get... what is happening..."

"I'll explain everything to you, I promise. Right now, I need to find Snape-"


"You have to stay away from-"


"Let me finish-"

"Impedimenta!" I pointed my wand behind us and a death eater went flying backwards.

Harry flipped around so now we were sitting side by side.

"Expelliarmus!" The man yelled.


The spell reflected back into the death eater, sending him backwards once again, leaving his wand on the floor.

Harry's head turned back quickly in shock. He exhaled and closed his eyes, kissing my forehead softly. "I'll be back, alright? Please, stay safe."

I nodded hastily as he bolted away.

Stay safe.

I knew I couldn't ensure that for long.

Summer holiday was days away.

I didn't just jinx a random death eater. The uniform I was much too aquatinted with to forget.

I had just jinxed my own father.

A/N; i feel like that was really confusing to read...

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