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I was concerned, that was true. But, that didn't stop Daphne and I from continuing our annual Christmas traditions.

"Pass me the red?" She was concentrated on the clear glass ornament in her hand.

I slid the container of red paint towards her and went back to looking at my own ornament. We were sat on the floor of Daphne's bedroom. I leaned against the side of her bed frame while she sat across from me. 

"You are so old fashioned," Astoria said from her spot on the bed. She was laying on her stomach and reading a wizard magazine. "You know you can make an ornament with magic in two seconds."

I lifted the orb up to see it in the light. "Oh, Mini Greengrass, what's the fun in that?"

"We can't even use magic outside of school." Daphne dipped her brush into more paint.

"So? You two are almost of age!"

We both ignored her and Daphne excitedly smiled. "Okay! Close your eyes." This made Astoria roll her eyes.

I closed my eyes and her ornament was placed in my hand. There were little potion pots on it with a small lightning bolt in the middle of the words 'Potter Lover.' 

"You said the other one broke, so I made another! I think it looks a lot better. The lighting is self explanatory, and the potions... well, you get it!"

I jokingly glared at her and Astoria made fake gagging noises, flipping to her back. "Man, if I knew you lot were gonna be this cheesy, I would've never suggested that love potion." She rolled off the bed and just walked out of the room.

"Thanks, Daph." I handed her my ornament. It was painted blue with little daffodils on it. "For you, my little Daffodil," I said, in a whiny accent.

She laughed which came out more as a sigh. "Alright. I get it."

And then we both started laughing. I finally felt at ease.


I didn't know where the time went. It was 7:00 PM on a Sunday.

It was also New Years Eve. 

My mother called me down to put on my dress for the ball. She got us all deep blue dresses lined with rhinestones. She called it a royal color, worth for celebration. 

Mrs. Greengrass, on the other hand, didn't have much excitement at all. When we came home, she merely said hello, hugged both of her daughters, and went up to her study. Their contrasting attitudes brings a shiver to my spine.

We apparated to the Malfoy Manor. I've done it with my parents many times, yet I still have an urge to throw up every time. Daphne put a hand on my shoulder, she didn't say anything, but I knew she wanted to. 

We walked inside where a familiar atmosphere surrounded me. It's the same decorations every year, but people never get over it. It's true, Mrs. Malfoy can decorate very well; it never fails to impress me either.

They seated us at our table with Theo, Draco, Pansy, and Adrian. He waved at me in which I smiled back. His presence somehow made this easier. Daphne and Theo immediately started having a conversation, Astoria and Malfoy left to go get drinks, and I sort of sat there with my hands laced together. 

Hours passed by and I still hadn't said a word. I saw Bellatrix Lestrange, and that just made me even more uncomfortable. The elders would come to our table, and I just shook their hands and nodded to whatever they would say to me. Usually I'd be excited for this. Us kids would always get away from the adults and go upstairs to have our own little party with colorful lights and glasses of water which we pretended were champaign. I guess we all grew up. 

"Hey, can we talk?" Adrian asked. He hasn't said much either, but he has always been more social with the adults than I ever could be.

"Sure." I stood up and followed him to a hallway just outside the ballroom. "I was sort of hoping to get out of there."

Adrian laughed. "It's not the same as it used to be. Nothing really is anymore."

There was a slight glow on his wrist. It was peeking through his white sleeve. I wanted to ignore it, but my eyes kept flickering back. "Are you alright? What's on your wrist?"

He as well looked down to his wrist, but stayed silent. After a long pause he took a deep breath and looked back at me. "You know what I said about you and Potter?"


"It's your secret, and it will stay a secret. But only because you're like my younger sister, and I need to protect you."

"Oh. How cliche." I tried to joke around but I truly didn't understand where he was going with this. Or at least I didn't want to.

He opened his mouth and then closed it. He opened it again to say, "I'm not going back to Hogwarts after holiday."

My smile broke. "What?"

"It's too much-"

"Adrian, how hard did that bludger hit you?"

"You need to understand-" He held both of my hands in his, which made his sleeves lift up slightly. The glowing was still there.

"What is that?" I wanted to jerk away.

"Please, Alicia, listen-"

I didn't listen. I pulled my hand away and lifted up his sleeve. 

I've seen it in newspapers. In the sky, after murders. I've seen it during meetings. I've seen it on my own fathers' wrist. And now, it was on Adrians. A black skull, laced with green.

The Dark Mark.

I didn't know how long I stood there, how long I stared at his hand. But then, Adrian was gripping my shoulders. "Alicia, say something, please."

He was staring into my eyes, but I couldn't bring myself to do the same. "You're protecting me, huh?"

"Yes, yes I am," his words came out in one breath. 

Now, I was looking at him, and I was raising my voice. "This is how you 'protect' me?!"

"I needed to tell someone, to tell you-"

"Did you need to become a deatheater? How could you!"

He tried to hold my hand. "Please, keep your voice down."

"Don't touch me!" I smacked it away. "Did you expect me to congratulate you?"

"No- I just needed to warn you!"

"Oh, bullshit! Do you know how much people have warned me this past year, Pucey?"

His face fell. "Pucey?"

I glared at him, though what I really wanted to do was cry. I didn't want his last impression of me to be weak. "I can't believe you." I grit my teeth. "Stay the hell away from me."

And then I ran. I didn't know where I was going, but eventually, a fresh, cold breeze hit my face. I fell to my knees in front of the doorway, on the icy snow. It would soak my dress, but I didn't care. The wind blew my hair away from my face; I knew my ears were pink. 

Inside, there was still chatter. There was laughing and yelling. There was also a countdown. And then, there were fireworks. 

There were multiple; a plethora of colors lighting up the sky. But, I couldn't see them much. They were all just a blurry mess through my tears.

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