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"Alicia, no!" Daphne held onto my arm when I quickly stood up.

"What do you mean 'no'?! Look at him!" I pointed towards the Quidditch grounds where Adrian was lying motionless. "I'm about to show Weasley some real games." I abruptly pulled my arm away from Daphne and marched down to the pitch.

At first, everyone just gathered around Pucey, staring at him in shock. Not long after, Madam Pomfrey came rushing with some other Slytherin boys who were carrying a stretcher. "Out of my way!"

Adrian didn't move. His entire body looked like a mannequin, except for the slight bit of blood that dripped down from the side of his head.

I felt myself tearing up at the sight, but then I heard someone come up behind me. "Bloody hell," he murmured breathlessly.

I instantly swerved around. "You!"

The redhead boy looked back at me in horror. "Me?"

"Don't act clueless now, Weasley!" From the corner of my eye, I could see Harry scrambling towards us. His hair fell messily onto his face and he looked out of breath. Instead of losing focus, I decided to look back to the weasel in front of me. "What were you thinking? I hope you weren't put on the team without even knowing your position!"

"Look, I got distracted-"

"Distracted? Oh, that is the most insensitive excuse I've ever heard!"

"Don't–hurt–anyone." Harry said in between breaths. I realized it was the first time I'd seen him since the other night in his dorm.

"Well it's too late for that, isn't that right Carrot Top?" I sneered, pulling out my wand.

He took out his as well. "Why do you care so much anyway? You fancy him?"

Harry stood silent and still, looking between us both. As if on cue, we both pointed our wands at each other at the same time.



I fell backwards hitting my head with a groan. Weasley had fallen the exact same way.

"That is quite enough, Shallow, Weasley." Mcgonagall's stern voice was heard. "I expect to see you both in my office for detention after dinner."

"Professor," Harry stated as Ron and I slowly stood up. "I apologize but, she is Slytherin-"

"I'm Sure Professor Snape wouldn't mind this time. Would you like to join them as well, Potter?"

When Harry didn't say anything, the woman sighed. "All three of you will be expected to clean the Transfiguration classroom tonight. Do not be late." And with that, she confidently walked away.

Weasley didn't seem to care about the detention, though, as his eyes were intently placed on Harry. "Why were you defending her?!"

"Because I'm-" I paused, then slowly looked towards the raven haired boy. "Yeah, why were you defending me?"


Harry and I placed the last two crates of books on the shelves. Weasley had fallen asleep not even an hour into the detention. How predictable.

"Is he always this useless?" I sighed.

Harry smirked looking at his friend. "Well, I wouldn't say use... Yeah, sort of..."

"Good. He's bought us some time, then."

"...What–" Before he could finish his sentence I pressed my lips onto his. Not only did I want to confirm that the other night wasn't a dream, but I needed to know if I could truly let my guard down. For all I know, he wants something out of me, not me.

This kiss only lasted for a couple seconds, but it was enough to make me dazed with emotion. His vibrant eyes glistened, though the atmosphere was dark. I couldn't blame him for looking startled. He said nothing; Just stared with his bottom lip slightly hung loose.

What the hell was that? Oh no no no... he probably–

His mouth covered mine once again, but this time, I wasn't the one who leaned in. His hand wrapped around the back of my neck ever so softly. His thumb lightly pressed down on a tender spot behind my ear, making me let out a quiet hum in satisfaction.

What was I thinking of again? Something about letting my guard down...?

His hands moved down to my waist, pulling me closer to him. I pushed away.

"I know you're using me for information." Our breaths came out uneven, but his hands stayed steady at my my waist. "I'm not sure why my prophecy is so important to you-"

The sound of Ron's shuffles broke us apart; he just went back to sleeping.

"I didn't mind it," Harry said which made me look back at him quizzically. "The kiss."

"Well, clearly." The corner of my lip lifted into a smirk.

He sighed and smiled. "I did want information, it's true, but you can keep your secrets, because we have our own." He looked to his sleepy friend, then back at me. "Whatever we have, it's our little secret."

A/N; A four month break was long enough, don't you think? ;)

- I hope updates can be faster now, but it's not a guarantee. Love you all xx

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