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I fell asleep on the train going home. 

Muffled voices drew me back to consciousness. My cheek started to feel cold and a bit smushed. I opened my eyes and quickly jerked away from the window.

"Look who decided to stop drooling." Theo sat opposite from Astoria and I. Daphne was just staring blankly at me next to him.

I kicked his foot which made him wince and draw it back. Astoria laughed while I tried to close my eyes again. A sudden thought made it more difficult to fall back asleep. So, I looked around the compartment. "Where's Parkinson?"

"I dunno." Daphne shrugged.

Sighing, I stood up. "I need to use the bathroom."

No one said anything as I walked out. Every other compartment was filled with kids, talking loudly amongst themselves. At the end of the isle, only one was completely silent. I opened the door.

"I think he knows-" When the three Slytherins saw me, they froze. It was Draco, Blaise, and of course, Pansy.

"I knew you'd be here," I told Pansy. She looked unfazed.

Malfoy glared at me. I didn't even have to look at him to know. "Don't you have a girlfriend to attend to, Malfoy? Astoria hasn't seen you all year, I think you owe her some time."

He was silent, but he knew that I wanted him out of the compartment. I gave him a sarcastic smile as he walked past. "You too, Zabini."

"I don't have a girlfriend."

"Yes, but I reckon you have a Slug Club meeting, or am I mistaken?"

His face faltered slightly, I could tell he didn't want to give in, but he left nonetheless. Pansy got up to follow as well, but I stopped her. "Sit back down."

"I thought you wanted an empty compartment."

"I never said that. Now sit down." She obeyed, and I sat across from her. "What did you tell him?"

She scowled, caught off guard. "What? Tell who?"

"Blaise. What did you tell him?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." She crossed her arms and leaned back into her seat.

"Yes you do. You went to that Slug party with him. You didn't even tell me he asked you!"

"How do you know I was there?" She narrowed her eyes. "Were you there?"

My voice came out quieter. "I- I believe I asked you a question first."

"I didn't tell him anything."

"I don't believe you."

She groaned. "Shallow, don't give me this shit, alright? If anything, I was probably drunk."

"So you admit it?"

"I don't know. I don't remember."

"That doesn't explain why you're hanging out with them now!"

"You're being impossible." She stood up and started to leave. "I'm using the loo."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and fell back into the seat. It wasn't long before the compartment door opened again; I suspected it to be Zabini coming back from the meeting, but it wasn't.

"I saw you here while I was at the meeting," Harry said. "I needed to talk to you."

I sat up straight. "It's not safe here."

"Oh, I know. I'll be quick." He sat where Pansy was just moments before. "I felt bad for how the Christmas Party went. I wanted to make it up to you." He handed me a gift wrapped nicely in a tan colored wrapping paper. There was a note attached to the top with a ribbon tying it on. "It can be an early Christmas present."

I examined it for a bit and looked back up at him. "Er- thank you... I'm sorry, I didn't think to get you anything."

"No, that's alright." He stood up and started to leave. "I'll- see you after break."

"Yeah, alright." Was it weird that I wanted to kiss him goodbye? I decided we weren't on that type of basis quite yet.

When he was gone, I unwrapped the present. At first, I looked at it, confused. It was just a plain journal, no writing or anything. But, the note explained it all;

You mentioned once that you sketched on an old notebook you found in your fathers study. I thought you deserved something newer.


There was a slight, yet uncontrollable smile on my face. Just for a moment, it made me forget about everything else that had happened. Maybe kissing him goodbye wouldn't have been that bad.  


The Greengrass estate was just the same as always. I was surprised that my mothers presence hadn't made it more gloomy. 

As we walked into Daphne's room, we saw my mother... hanging gowns on the wall? She seemed to be in a good mood. That's also surprising.

"Er- Mrs. Shallow?" Astoria piped up. "May I ask what you're doing to our walls?

"Oh, my darlings, you're home!" She came up and hugged all three of us. Surprise number three. "I picked these gowns out for all of you. They're for the Malfoy's New Years ball!"

Surprise number four. To say I was shocked was an understatement. "What?! But- but they were evicted, we all were!"

"Oh, my love, you haven't heard?" She sounded genuinely concerned. It was terrifying. "They've managed to get the mansion back! Oh, everything's going our way!" That last sentence might as well have been directed at the ceiling; she walked away while cheering to herself. 

I stood frozen in shock. "I think my mother finally went crazy."

"Hey, at least you might be getting your house back," Daphne said, hopefully.

Astoria giggled. "I think Shallow's too blown out from parties to go to another one."

I ignored them. 

Oh, everything's going out way!

That's not a good sign. It could never be a good sign.


A/N;  This is random, but I finished watching The Summer I Turned Pretty, and I didn't think it could be better than the books, but I was thoroughly surprised. (Team Conrad. Nothing Else.)

I'm also terrified but extremely excited for Volume Two of Stranger Things. Seriously, It's unhealthy.

Anyways, thank you for listening to my rants. Things only get more suspenseful from here!

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