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It was very bad.

With the charcoal colored dust on my face, I could blend in with the bookshelves in the shadows. My hair puffed up; frizzier than normal, and to make matters worse, Potter had won the tiny vial of liquid luck. I could've sworn by his cocky grin that my horrific state had lifted his ego.

"Kill me, Daph."

"I can't do that, not now anyways," her voice came out quieter due the applause presented to Harry. "You have to use the love potion first."

I backed away from the group of students, "Not even a love potion can clean up my mess."

"Those twins guaranteed-"

"And when have you ever trusted a Weasley?"

"Good question." Which she never answered as the school bell had already rung.

Professor Slughorn eyed me keenly. "Miss Shallow, would you please stay for a bit more?"

I glanced at Daphne; she just shrugged.


"Yes, Professor?"

"I've noticed that you've been struggling to conceive this potion today," he said, motioning slightly towards my face. "I will say, it is difficult, but I went ahead and looked through your grade record and I'm afraid it seems potions is not your strong suit."

What? How! The words almost came out of my mouth but I reckon my expression said it all. "But sir, I love potions!"

"And I am very joyous to hear that." He paused before stating, "I would like to help; as you may have heard, NEWTs testing is closer than it seems."

"Don't we take those in seventh year?"

"Yes, but time will fly by quickly. Having a tutor will help with your studies very much, I recommend asking the highest in the class."

My mind was blank. "And who may that be?"

He looked as if he was waiting eagerly for me to ask that question. "Ah! I believe it is Harry Potter!"


The genuine misery on my face was indescribable. Pansy smirked as I walked in, perfecting her eyeliner. "So, did old sluggy give you some extra credit?"

That comment made me sick to my stomach. "Piss off, and no, it's quite the opposite, actually." I looked in the mirror and lifted up my wand to start fixing the nest in my hair. "Potter has to tutor me."

At 'Potter' Daphne jumped up and squealed, "Oh this is the perfect opportunity to use the potion! It's like even Slughorn is on your side!"

Behind Daphne's ecstatic figure, I saw little raindrops dripping onto the windows. On the other side was my sketchbook, laying untouched on my bed. "I'm going to head out to the courtyard, don't wait up."


There was a perfect spot next to the quidditch bleachers. It looked like some Gryffindor left their red and gold bag there, but I reckon they won't mind as it was just sitting there in the rain.

I began to dip my quill in ink, letting it draw whatever my mind went to as the rain fell harder and harder. I was lost in a world of my own imagination, just as I always am with my sketchbook in hand. Over the years, the cover had become old and worn out; a secret I'll never tell is that I stole it one day from my father's reading area at age eleven.

Somebody cleared their throat next to me and I was suddenly drawn back to reality. "You're sitting in front of my quidditch bag," said Potter with a calmer expression than he had earlier today.

For some reason, I felt the need to hold my breath. His gaze was fixed on me while he slowly nudged his head towards the quidditch supplies behind me. I gulped and moved myself away. "Sorry."

He picked up his supplies and looked down at my notebook. "Aren't you cold?"

"Cold? Me- no, I like the rain."

"Right." He nodded, and started to walk away.

My heart was hammering faster than ever. I reached into my pocket to find the vial of love potion, but then, got a better plan.

"Erm- Potter?" I was fully expecting to be ignored, but he stopped and turned around. "I heard you were really good at potions and er- Slughorn, he wants you to tutor me."

He looked at me in disbelief. "Well isn't Malfoy good at potions? Go ask him."

"Forget that bastard, you're top of our class!"

He blinked. "No, no I'm not."

"Don't deny it Potter, that potion today, it was practically rigged."

It's like he was holding in a secret, but when our eyes locked once again, I noticed a twinge of hope. "Fine, Shallow, I'll tutor you."

A/N; Oh we are just getting started *cracks knuckles*

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