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I finally did it.

I was going to Hogsmeade with Theo.

Oh no not only with Theo, there was Daphne, Adrian, and Pansy there too. But Theo tried to make it very clear that we were on a 'date.'

He swung an arm around my shoulders. "So, love-"

"Don't call me 'love."

"Er- alright- Alicia, where would you like to go first?"

I smirked. "I don't know, why don't you ask the three other people who are here as well."

He swallowed. "Right- er- Daphne?"

Daphne suddenly jumped, looking very surprised that he knew her name. "W- what?"

"Where are we going?"

"The Three Broomsticks! Oh yes- I'd really love a butter beer."

"Ah and while we're at it." I took Theo's arm away from my shoulders and put it around Daphne's instead. "Why don't you two have a little chat?"

Daphne gave me a death glare as I walked over to Pansy and Adrian. "This should be fun."


As I sat down in a booth, Theo immediately took a spot next to me. Daphne looked grateful, and sat on the opposite side. "So, Alicia, how's the project going?"

"It's not going. Potter left and never came back."

Adrian scowled. "What a dickhead."

Pansy tilted her head. "Didn't you say Potter would always leave, at the same time, everyday? It happened again?"

"Er- yes."

A lady with stunning blonde hair stopped at our table. "What can I get you lot for today?"

"Four butter beers!" Theo spoke.

My brows knit together. "Four? Nott, there's five of us."

"I know, don't you want to share?"

"I most certainly do not! Er- make it five butter beers please." I looked back at the waitress.

She kindly smiled and wrote down our order. "Just a few minutes, please."

Pansy pinched the bridge of her nose. "You think Potters disappearances are due to that secret squad he made?"

"No." I said without thinking.

"How do you know?"

"Well- because I found out there weren't any meetings, by- spying." I lied.

Pansy just narrowed her eyes while Daphne was looking in the other direction. "Hey isn't that the Weasley girl? Do you think she'll know anything about Potter?"

Ginny Weasley sat in a far table, sided by her boyfriend, Michael Corner. I raised my head to look at them. "I don't think-"

"Oi Weasley!" Daphne yelled, standing up from the booth.

I instantly shot up from my chair. "No no no- Daphne please don't-"

"What do you want, Greengrass?" Said Ginny when Daphne appeared at their table.

"You see, Alicia over here-" she pulled me into their view, "says that Potter has been leaving in the middle of projects. You don't happen to know anything about that, do you?"

Her facial expression faltered. "I-"

"It's alright! You don't need to answer that." I tried to pull Daphne away, but she resisted. "Answer it."

"What are you going to do if I don't? Take away house points?"

Daphne smirked. "I most certainly can."

I slapped a hand over my face. "No- what are you doing-"



"What's up?" Pansy walked up next to me.

"Take away twenty points from Gryffindor." Daphne chimed proudly.


"Do it!"

Pansy flinched. "Alright- calm down woman. Twenty points from Gryffindor, you happy?"

Ginny's jaw was dropped as she heard the words come out of Pansy's mouth. "That's bullocks! I didn't even do anything-"

"C'mon girls, our butter beer is here." Daphne went back to the table while Pansy shrugged and followed her.

I cringed. "I am so so sorry-"

"Save it." Ginny rolled her eyes. "Just go."

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