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I had been accustomed to being called into Professor's offices. However, this time it was not Snape, nor Slughorn, but rather McGonagall.

"Please, sit, Miss Shallow. Have a biscuit."

I sat on the chair in front of her desk as she said, but did not touch the biscuits.

"Snape has told me about your whereabouts past curfew. Is it true, you made an attempt to steal the Sword of Gryffindor?"

My gaze dropped to the ground. "Yes, ma'am."

She sighed. "There have been many worthy candidates for Head Girl. I put my full faith on you."


"And you have not disappointed me."


I quickly looked up. "Professor-"

"You have shown real bravery and ambition. I've seen it in the way you created your own path. As the years went on, I knew the prophecy was as true as ever."

The one who defied.

McGonagall rested her hand on mine. "I've seen your leadership. How you cared for that young girl, Harper."

I shook my head. "I don't understand. How could you have known?"

"I did not. All I knew was that you never stopped in your path, not when the lightning struck, or when the flowers perished. Not ever."

"I'm stuck, now, I think."

She had this emotion in her eyes, warm and gentle. "I understand you have decided to go home for the spring holidays?"

I nodded my head because what more was there to say?

"Stay on your own path, even when you're stuck, do not turn around. You are strong, Miss Shallow. The sky will fall, but you stay there."

This was different. I was always expected to look the other way, to follow everyone's orders as if I was bewitched. McGonagall was telling me I was important, in whatever way, lost or constricted, I was needed.

I sniffled. "Thank you."

She settled back in her chair. "Please, have a biscuit, Shallow. You deserve it."

It always seemed to be raining while on the express. Like it was manipulated to console my ultimate death.

Naturally, my sketchbook appeared as well.

Before finishing my first drawing, I wanted to move on to the next. This one looked too depressing, but I didn't get a chance to think, when Daphne opened the door to my compartment.

"Oh, I didn't think you'd be alone."

I shifted. "Why not?"

"You were so keen with those Gryffindors, I thought you'd sit with them."

I shook my head. "I wanted to be alone."

Daphne swallowed. "I can leave-"

"No! No, stay! If you hadn't come in, I would've went to find you myself."

She smiled and sat across from me. "I know you don't want to go back."

"I don't." The sketch seemed less depressing with someone else around, so I continued.

"If it helps, Theo said your parents didn't talk much about you. All they asked was to stop being hostile towards you."

"That's because they plan on being hostile themselves." I dipped my quill in ink. "I knew my parents put them up to it. Didn't reckon they'd hurt me on their own."

"Theo doesn't hate you. He's confused." Daphne was watching my sketchbook.

"I know. How's Mini Greengrass?"

"Excited, I think. She says Draco's been better. Winter holiday really did something to them, Alicia. You can't let it happen to you."

At this point, I've given up on trying to salvage my drawing. I closed the book shut and put my supplies back in my bag. "It's just two weeks. I will follow their orders until we're back."

"That's your plan? To give in to their conspiracies?"

"Not entirely. I'll just act like I had a change of heart, if it prevents me from getting killed."

The train was slowing down. At first, I thought it was a malfunction until I saw the platform under the cloudy haze. The rain had coated it in darkness.

Daphne stood up from the seat. "Please be safe, Alicia."

"Mother," I whispered as if not to startle her, but then got startled myself. She was grim and gaunt, and, as always, had wine stained lips. Father sat across from her on the love seat.

My mother looked at me and didn't seem to have any intention of greeting me. "The Carrows have given you quite the beating."

Did she know about the sword?

All the months worth of confined rage bubbled up. I fixed my posture and decided to implement my plan early. "It is what I deserve, after giving you and father such hardships."

She gave a stiff nod, and surprisingly, did not look angry. "It is nice to see you coming into your senses."

"We were worried about you." My father was smoking a cigar and I held my breath watching the smoke spread around him. "Seems like the boys have taken care of it."

My stomach lurched.

His hands were reaching upward. "He's not here to help now, is he?"

"Stop it." I tried to push away.

"When your parents asked us to keep you in line, honestly, it seemed impossible," he whispered, confirming my suspicions. "But, we thought of a way." His fingers reached to the buttons in the back of my dress. If my mind was less crowded, I could've felt his lips on the base of my neck.

"Y-yes, father. I do apologize." I swallowed down my frightened composure. "May I be excused to my bedroom?"

"Yes, that is fine." My mother took a sip of tea. "Get some rest. It is a big day tomorrow."

I gulped and turned back around. "What is tomorrow?"

She didn't look at me, rather mindlessly stirring her cup. "Narcissa has invited the two of us to tea. Have you heard? Draco and your little friend Astoria are engaged! Isn't it lovely?"

"Er- yeah, she's mentioned it."

"You must be presentable. Now, go on!"

As soon as I was out of their sight, I sprinted up the stairs, immediately locking my bedroom door behind me. My bag slipped from fingers and crashed against the floor. My chest heaved as my back was pressed against the door.

Two weeks. That's all.

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