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NEWTs were only a couple months away, and homework was piling up rapidly. My schedule was practically full of classes and studying. No one understood why I wanted to pass these tests so badly, but I knew that I needed to become a healer.

My meetings with Harry happened a little less often than before, but we sometimes found time in the weekends to see each other. But unfortunately, we didn't get much studying done.

There were only three words written on my parchment when his lips met mine again. Public affection was still limited, of course. However, our time alone is what made a secret the most thrilling.

Well, it would've been, if my academic validation wasn't skyrocketing.

"This essay is due tomorrow." I put my palm on his chest and pushed him slightly back.

"Just- one more," he said while taking short breaths for air.

I shook my head and leaned away. "I need to pass... at least Potions."

Harry fixed his glasses that were slanted to the side. "...Potions isn't— that difficult."

"That's easy for you to say." I pulled out my textbook. "You're over here kissing up to the 'Half Blood Princes' feet."

"I'll have you know that The Half Blood Prince is a blessing. Snape had it out for me since day one."

"I know. Did you ever find out what happens between asphodel and wormwood?"

"Godric. You've been watching me for that long?"

I laughed. "That makes me sound creepy."

He shrugged. "Well, I am the one who's kissing some strangers feet."


I had overslept the day after that. Daphne wanted to go to Hogsmeade to shop for a "surprise." I assumed the surprise was for my birthday. I was so preoccupied that I almost forgot that existed.

No one woke me up, though, and the extra hour felt very nice. Now that I thought of it, I couldn't remember a time when I was ever able to sleep in on a weekend.

The room was empty which caught me by surprise. I didn't find anything to complain about— walking at my own pace to the bathroom.

And then, there was the twist. There was always a twist. A cluster of streamers were thrown at my head. The once quiet atmosphere was now filled with yells and people screaming, "happy birthday!"

I was too tired to be surprised. Daphne magically popped a ballon that had confetti inside. "You're old now!"

I smiled and brushed the decor off my head. "I thought you wanted to go to Hogsmeade."

"I did. But I thought I'd let you sleep in. I know you spent a lot of time studying last night."

I blinked. "Right. Yes. Thank you, I appreciate it."

She gave me a smile and for a second I thought she knew something. But it was a completely normal smile, like she was as innocent as a butterfly.


We spent the rest of the morning and afternoon talking and just being with each other. Theo didn't let me even look at a textbook, which, I guess, was refreshing.

What I was looking forward to was that evening. The rain wasn't heavy, it was just a light sprinkle. The clouds made it darker than it was, but it was more peaceful than eerie.

I was told to meet Harry by the Quidditch bleachers. He was huddled underneath them when I got there.

I sat by him and he smiled. "Happy birthday." He had a piece of parchment which he handed to me.

It was a drawing of what I thought were raindrops. It wasn't the best, and I felt bad that I had to contain my laugh.

"I drew it!" Harry said, like some proud toddler showing his mother a picture.

"It's er-"

"Great, right?" I knew he was joking, but it was fun to play along.

I looked at him and grinned. "Lovely."

He then took a box out from behind himself. "Here."

It was thin and wrapped in a bow, which I untied. It fit a quill inside. But, it wasn't an ordinary quill. There were rhinestones and embroidery that shimmered all around it. The color was iridescent, and I never would have thought that you could write with something like it.

When all I did was gawk at it, Harry said, "you should save you're regular quill for studying. This, you can use for your little raindrops."

"Where- how did you find it?" I didn't look up from the box.

"It took a while but Hogsmeade has some pretty nice stuff."

I practically collapsed onto him, squeezing him tight. "Thank- you- so- much-" each word was said between a kiss.

He chuckled. "I didn't think anyone would be as happy to get stationary for their birthday."

"Well, I am." It might have been the stationary, but I reckon it was more the fact that he cared enough to give it to me. The fact that someone noticed the little things I did.

That's what made me the happiest.

A/N; school started for me a while ago and I barely had time to write— this chapter is like terrible and I sort of based it off the past two weeks so... enjoy! 😭

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