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Alicia never intended on Blaise Zabini to make new friends at a party. Most things didn't peak his interest. Which is why hexing squirrels at Hogsmeade was a lighthearted hobby to state.

And of course, Harry's dumb arse decided to listen.

"Haven't seen you around before." The sixth year Slytherin took a seat next to Harry. "You new?"

Harry, or should I say the new Slytherin student, took a large gulp of butter beer in shock. "Er- yeah, I am." Just the look of Blaise Zabini made his blood boil.

"Ah. Nice." Zabini took a shot of Whiskey. "You've got a name?"

Harry panicked. He looked over to Alicia who was just standing motionless with an agitated Malfoy.

"Oi! I'm talking to you!" The boys demeanor changed quickly.

"Right, sorry. I have a name."

Zabini was confound. "Well?"

"That's er-" Harry glanced at Alicia again. "Not important. But you should know that I like hexing squirrel's at Hogsmeade."

Blaise scrunched his nose. "Squirrels?"

Harry nodded quickly.

"You're strange." He muttered. "Well, in that case, all you should know is that the girls here are a real disappointment."

Harry was taken aback. "Why does that matter?"

Zabini broke into a cackle, which did nothing but confuse the Potter in disguise. He tried to smile, but it sort of formed into the face you make when you're about to throw up.

Blaise pointed to a Alicia. "That one there? That's Alicia Shallow. Rumors are that she's got something going on with Potter."

Harry's jaw dropped, but not for the reasons Blaise suspected.

"I know right!" He was amused with Harry's reaction. "Other than that, she's a snack. You could have some real fun with her."

The drink fell out of Harry's hands. "I'm sorry?"

Zabini laughed and stood up. "See you around, squirrel boy."

Blaise would in fact, not be seeing him around.

It was cloudy the night of June 25, 1997.

So much so that the windows were glazed with fog. Children were scattered around their respective common rooms, and you could hear the scratching of quills from the dormitories above.

The noise wouldn't have bothered us, though, as Harry and I were busy with our more productive needs.

However, to him, productive can mean many different things.

Harry's floor was cold.

It's a strange observation, but when my back is pinned flat against it, it's difficult for the temperature to go unnoticed.

His lips hadn't left mine. Not even for a moment. It was odd that I was thinking so many things while not even trying to focus on the experience alone. Someone I had admired for so long—so close to me, breathing against my skin.

On the contrary, his hands were gentle. Caressing my skin so softly as if I would slip away.

And it happened so quickly. No words. Just kisses.

His lips finally moved to my jaw, and I could finally try to speak. Though, the words would come out as blurry as my mind. "What are- why-"

"Shh.." It was a plead rather than a demand. Like anything I'd say would end up hurting him.

I felt his hands slowly slide up my sweater, yet mine stayed stationary along his. "Harry, wait-"

And he did. His lips immediately detached from my skin. His hands slid away from my back and he used them to prop himself up above me. His lips were swollen when he looked down at me with softer eyes.

I don't reckon he'd ever looked at me that way.

My chest rose and fell rapidly. "What are you so worked up about?" Perhaps it sounded harsher than I intended.

His eyes changed. He looked rather surprised. He rolled to the side and was now lying next to me. "I'm sorry."

I turned towards him. "Why are you sorry?" Trying to match his whisper this time.

His breathing was as quick as mine. "I'm sorry for you. I see you everyday and I fail to find any flaws and- and those idiots you hang out with speak down on you so much I..." He stopped himself.

The corners of my mouth formed a smile. "They came out of the womb as perverts. All of them. Quite frankly if they meant any harm. they'd say it to my face."

"I don't like their faces."

And then I laughed. "Neither do I." I placed my hand on his chest. "Do you know what's so difficult about liking you?"


I started fidgeting with the fabric of his shirt. "You fail to realize that I could've been with one of them right now, scheming your downfall."

His hand was now placed on mine. I gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"But instead, I'm with you, trying to plan theirs instead."

We stayed in silence for what felt like hours. His thumb would occasionally rub back and forth along my palm. I ran my fingers through his hair as he looked up at the ceiling, seeming to be in deep contemplation.

"I need to show you something," he finally said. He now stood up, grabbing his wand and what looked to be a familiar piece of blank, white parchment.


Harry's wand illuminated the hallway, earning many negative remarks from the sleeping paintings nearby. He pointed it at the parchment and muttered, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

Almost instantly, brownish words began to appear on the paper. The color, too, became slightly coffee stained. It read 'Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present... The Marauders Map.'

"Hey! That Wormtail guy told me to bud out of their business once!"

Harry didn't say anything. He just smiled and opened the paper to reveal a pamphlet of sorts. Indeed, it was a map.

"That's Hogwarts?"

"Yeah," he replied, scanning the paper eagerly.

Small name tags appeared on the premises of the building. Two of which being 'Alicia Shallow' and 'Harry Potter.'

"Does that mean-"

"You can see where anyone is at any time."


My eyes trailed to a path of footprints circling around the dungeon portion of the map. 'Draco Malfoy.'

He's just sleep walking, right?

The slight pain in my wrist told me otherwise.

A/N; kinda don't like this chapter ngl, but it took too long to write for absolutely no reason so... here you go 👍

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