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"It was terrifying," a few Gryffindors spoke quietly amongst themselves. "It seemed she was lifted up by magic... but the scream was indescribable."

"Oh that's horrible... how will Potter find a chaser to replace her now?"

"Katie Bell could've died and you're worrying about Quidditch?..." Their voices died off as they walked past our table.

Word of Gryffindors star chaser being in the hospital wing spread like wildfire. No one knows quite what happened... but from what I've heard, I'm sure it's dark magic. There was a shop in Diagon Alley my parents took me to when I was little, Borgin and Burkes. Bell's story sounds so similar to ones I've heard before. Apparently, this occurred just a few moments after we left Hogsmeade; after Harry asked me to Slughorns party.

Maybe if I thought a little less about things that could go wrong, they won't go wrong. But, I'm sure Katie Bell wasn't thinking of getting cursed when she did.


It could've been the fact that my dress was a bit too tight, but I felt winded while walking into the party. I wouldn't drink, that's what I told myself, not tonight. Saying the wrong things in front of the wrong people would make me walk right into my parents trap. 

In this case, everyone was the wrong person.

The inside was beautiful; it almost reminded me of the Yule Ball, but much more minimalistic. Simple and a bit crowded. There were people everywhere, laughing and dancing. Suddenly, I felt smaller; even though no one did as much as glance at me, I felt like they were staring daggers into me. 

I contemplated on leaving, later telling Harry that I didn't feel well...I mean, that isn't too far from the truth. But, I pushed myself to move forward. The heels that Daphne gave me weren't helping with that. 

I couldn't see Harry anywhere in the crowd. There were so many people in dress robes and gowns, but none of them were Harry. 

Maybe he isn't here yet. So I waited by a curtain near the back.

There was an odd noise coming from behind it, almost like someone was throwing up. A few moments later, a boy came running out with his hand on his mouth. Snape followed him, but he had a disgusted expression on his face. My mind went into instant panic, and I tried to find somewhere else to go, but the curtain flew open again. Harry went running out as well, but I grabbed his arm.

He looked at me, frightened for a second, and then smiled. "I didn't think you'd actually come."

"You think so low of me," I said and grinned back at him. "Did you have somewhere to be?"

"Well no, I was trying to get away from Snape."

"What happened?"

"Mclaggen vomitted on his shoes."

I waited for him to explain, but the expression on his face was flat. "You're serious?"

"Don't try the Dragon Balls."

I slowly nodded with my mouth slightly agape. "Ah. Noted."

Harry took my hand. "So-"

The entire room went silent. Harry and I looked at each other and decided to move forward. Filch was there, and in his arms was a struggling Malfoy. Seeing him now made me realize that I hadn't seen him this entire week. Not in the common room, in any classes. 

"Professor Slughorn, sir! I found this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party," Filch rambled out.

"Okay, okay, I was gate-crashing, happy?" Malfoy found his way out if Filch's grip.

He disappears for a week then comes back to gate-crash a party? 

"I'll escort him out," said Snape.

They both walked out at the same time. Harry watched them intently. The party continued as if nothing had happened. Once they were both out, Harry ran off to follow them. 

Confused, I went to follow him as well, but Slughorn stopped me. "Miss. Shallow, I didn't expect to see you here. Do you have a date?"

I went speechless for a moment. "Uh- yeah, do."

"Why, who?"

Again, I had nothing to say. I glanced around the room, trying to find someone. And then, I saw Zabini next to the drinks table. Perfect. "Blaise."

He studied my expression for a while and nodded. "Interesting. You two make a good pair." Then he walked away.

If Dragon Balls don't make me vomit, this would. 

I looked back at Zabini. This time, he was looking back at me quizzically. Finally, he started walking towards me.


"Wow, Shallow, I've waited six years, and you finally looked at me for over a second." His tone was smug.

I rolled my eyes. "Do you think it means something? I was just surprised you were smart enough to be in this club."

"I'm surprised you aren't. Which means someone asked you to be here."

"I don't have time for this."

"You know, I would've asked you myself." He ignored me. "But, you're different now, not really my type anymore."

"Why are you telling me this? Does it look like I care?"

"You ask a lot of questions." 

"Don't you have a date to get back to?"

"Oh I don't think Parkinson would care. I'm just chatting with her little friend, who seems to be too caught up with the wrong side."

Pansy's here? She didn't tell me. What does he mean by wrong side? What does he know?

"Excuse me, but I really should be going." I pushed him back and walked out of the doorway. He watched me the entire time with a grin on his face.


The corridor was empty. Completely vacated. I almost thought Harry just left without explanation, but then I saw him. He had his back against a wall and there were little murmurs coming from the other side.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Shhhh!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back with him against the wall. "Listen."

"Maybe I did hex that Bell girl! Maybe I didn't. What's it to you?" It was Malfoy.

"I swore to protect you," Snape responded. "I made the Unbreakable Vow-"

"I don't need protection! I was chosen for this! Out of all others, me! And I won't fail him."


"You're afraid, Draco. You attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious. Let me assist you-"

"No! I was chosen. This is my moment!"

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