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It was a drought.

A perfect pureblood woman only has pure thoughts. That's what i've been told.

But I thought about ripping the hair from my scalp. I thought about digging my nails into my arms. I thought about how wonderful it would be if I could close my eyes and go back to when my only inconvenience was running out of ink for my quill, or when Harry Potter avoided my gaze.

My eyes were swollen and my lips were chapped. I had to keep calm for everyone else, though, as they screamed in pain from their wounds. I finished stitching up a fifth year girl's leg.

"Thanks," she said, shyly.

"Of course." I nodded and stood up.

"How are you holding up?" Theo asked.

Nothing that could come out of my mouth would help either of us right now. "Fine." It was a lie.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I wish I could apologize to Potter as well."

I shook my head. "You don't need to be."

"I gave you both a hard time." He sighed. "If I could give you a yellow flower right now, I would."

It was almost a laugh, a faint smile. "I'm just glad you decided to fight."

"We couldn't leave you alone."

Daphne walked up to us. She wore a thin blanket over her shoulders. Theo leaned up and kissed her on the cheek.

I trained my gaze away and stared at the ground. I sucked in my cheeks, trying to reduce my pounding headache.

What will I do now?

Where could I possibly go?

Tom Riddle had won. He got what he wanted. Once Harry's body is presented to the world, how much motivation would we have left?

I would be put in Azkaban, maybe. Or killed. He wants to kill me, there's no reason not to.

My father was dead. I didn't know it, but I felt it. He would've been so happy to know that I'd failed again. He'd want me killed, too.

"Alicia, you really work wonders," Astoria said, stretching out her arm. The gash was a faint scar.

Astoria would get married. She had her entire life in front of her. She'd grow up, all of them would, and leave me behind.

"It was just a bit of Dittany..."

I've given up, I realized. I've lost hope.

The entire great hall was moving. Everyone started filing out of the doors, and into the courtyard.

A snake-like voice.

"Harry Potter... is dead!"

I quickly pushed through the bunch of students and professors and up to the front. Voldemort was here, in all his glory, before us all. Nagini followed him around. Hagrid was in shackles, and in his arms, was Harry's dead body.

"No..." I whispered.

Voldemort stood, grinning widely at the crowd. His snake eyes bored into mine. Those same eyes Cicily Gaunt saw as she was killed at his hands. This man took everything. He killed his own family. He took Harper, Adrian, Harry, and now he stared at me with those same eyes.

Taunting, I thought. Punishment.

I warned you, Alicia.

I would lurch at him, and the only thing stopping me was Hermione's arm pulling me back.

"Did you hear me? Harry Potter is dead!"

The courtyard fell in silence. Behind him was his little army of death eaters. Amongst them was my mother. She was alone, confirming my fathers death. I couldn't look at her, with her raised chin and sharp expression. I stepped back and held onto Hermione's arm.

"From this day forward, you put your faith to me, or suffer the consequences. Harry Potter is dead! It is time to declare yourself and join us."

"Draco," Lucius Malfoy muttered.

Malfoy glanced around, I hid myself in my hair.

"Draco, don't be stupid!"

"Come, Draco," Narcissa said, calmly.

Malfoy walked forwards with his gaze down. I looked to Astoria, and she was frozen, holding her hand up to cover her mouth, and stifle her sobs.

Voldemort was satisfied. "Well done, Draco. Who will be next? Hm? Come now, don't be shy."

Neville limped up into the rubble. I shook my head looked to the ground. People were stunned, gasping and muttering.

"Well, I must say I hoped for better. Is this truly the best Hogwarts has to offer?"

The death eaters broke into gafaws, Bellatrix being the loudest cackle.

"Who might you be, young man?"

"Neville Longbottom."

They all laughed again, and I felt sick.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks-"

"I'd like to say something!" He stated, and my head snapped up.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we'll all be fascinated to hear what you have to say."

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone."

"Stand down Neville!" Seamus cried.

"People die everyday!" He said louder. "Friends, family. Yes, we lost Harry tonight, but he's still with us. Here." He placed his hand on his heart. "And so is Fred, Remus, and Tonks." He glanced at me. "And all of them. They didn't die in vain."

I let out a small whimper. He turned back to the pale man. "But you will! Because you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us!"

Angrily, Voldemort raised his wand towards the boy. Neville reached into the sorting hat, swiftly pulling out the sword of Gryffindor. "It's not over!"

Harry rolled out of Hagrid's arms. My heart practically leapt out of my chest. I was delusional, I really was, because he was alive.

Harry stumbled up. "Confringo!" A large gust of fire sprung from his wand to Nagini. Unaffected, the snake hissed. Voldemort watched with confusion. Harry ran past him, behind the pillars.

Enraged, Voldemort shot a volley of curses towards him, making the walls crumble. Death eaters disapparated from the scene, including my mother, leaving a cloud of black smoke.

"Get in the castle! Get in the castle!" Arthur Weasley shouted at us, and before I could process anything, I found myself running to the gates of the great hall.

"Better?" I asked Dean as I bandaged up his broken arm.

He smiled and nodded. "Thank you."

I slumped back against the wall. Aberforth, Dean, and Seamus conversed while having tea. Daphne came and brought me my own cup.

I took the cup and had a small sip, letting the hot liquid soften my throat. I rested my head on her shoulder. My hair was frizzed up, and I didn't think it was possible for me to cry any more than I have.

People were laughing again. A weight was lifted off of everyone, and the sun rose higher to show it. After a while, Daphne nudged me and gestured to Ron and Hermione.

I rushed towards them, smiling and pulling both of them into an embrace. "Where's Harry?" I asked.

They blinked and looked around. Harry emerged from behind them.

I threw my arms around him, digging my face into the base of his neck. "You were dead! You were dead..."

"I know, it's okay, I'm alright," He rested his chin on the top of my head. "He's gone now. We're safe."

I sniffled and lifted my head to look at him. He was grinning and the red scar on his forehead was now a light pink. I leaned my forehead against his. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

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