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A/N; there wasn't much Harry in the last few chapters, but there will be now ;)

I could not have been happier to get away from home. Something about the way my mother looked at me after opening the letter, gave me chills.

Daphne waited for me at a random compartment. "I found out why Potter left early!" She screamed.

"Calm down! People are listening!" I closed the door. "What is it?"

She pulled out a large newspaper from her bag, and handed it to me. "Look at the head line."

The Quibbler

Head of Muggle Artifacts Office, Arthur Weasley, attacked by snake in Ministry of Magic, December 18, 1995.

Fifteen year old Harry Potter claims he saw the attack unfold in a dream. The dream soon becoming reality, thus Weasley was saved just in time. He is now peacefully resting in Saint Mungos hospital, as of December 20, 1995.

I re- read the heading multiple times before believing it. "Well- that explains- a lot."

"Mhm." She sighed. "And guess what, you know that giant snake you-know-who brings to our parents meetings?"


"Astoria and I reckon it's the same one."

I snorted. "You're kidding, why would you-know-who be at the min-"

"I want you to stay safe at Hogwarts, I can not tell you what is bound to happen, but it can be a severe change."

I was drawn into my mother's words again...Maybe there will be a change.

"Alicia? Did you just get possessed?" Daphne snapped her fingers in front of my face.

I shook my head fast. "What- no, I just got distracted."

She slumped back and crossed her arms. "Cutting off mid sentence to stare at the ground like a pigeon? Got it, distracted."

"I- I don't think you-know-who would go to the ministry."

"He didn't. His human-snake hybrid did."

"That doesn't make sense."

"Well, we'll see who's right eventually." She smirked in confidence.

"Er- yeah."


I waited in the library for half and hour, expecting Harry to show up. When he did, he was sprinting in, panting, and placed the paper on the table in front of me. "Sorry- I- lost track- of time."

"That's fine." I sighed.

His breathing calmed down. "What?"

"I said it's fine."

"I know but- you're not going to go on and shout at me for this?"

"Why would I do that?"

He blinked a few times. "I don't- I don't know- I just thought you would be mad."

"That's dumb."

"It- er- yeah." He gulped.

I nodded slowly and pressed my lips into a thin line. "So we can start this without getting interrupted now?"


"Ah, Alicia, Potter! I knew you'd be here!" Astoria showed up randomly. "Potter, I've got a message from Alicia to you."

I scowled. "If I had a message for him, I'm pretty sure I'd be the one telling him."

"Oh but this is a surprise for the both of you!" She clapped her hands together, and grabbed Harry's hand, dragging him away. "C'mon Potter."

I watched as Astoria whispered something into his ear. They had a short conversation, and then Harry just- left.


"What did you tell him to make him leave?" I asked.

"I told you, it's a surprise!"

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