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I wasn't sure how I knew I was correct. All the dots seemed to connect so easily. I started to regain focus of my surroundings. "Let them go."

"What?" Draco breathed, "they're trying to run away!"

My eyes narrowed. "Oh and I'm sure you wouldn't want to do the exact same thing!"

He was silent. I glanced at Ginny, Theo had gripped her arms so tight to the point where the color had completely drained out of the poor Weasley's face. The same hatred she had for me that one night at Hogsmeade flickered on and off. "Let them go." I repeated.

"You're being too shallow, Shallow," said Adrian, humor bubbling in his tone.

Daphne gulped. "More like unmindful." She leaned sideways to whisper, "what are you doing?"

I took her wrists, and quickly dragged her outside of the room. Before I could get a chance to speak, Umbridges' office was filled with screams and chaos. The Gryffindors ran out without even noticing we were there. Daphne gasped and peaked through the window, she was greeted with Pansy spewing vomit all over the office floor. "Alicia-"

I was quite surprised myself. "To be fair, I had no idea that would happen."

She spinned around. "They let them get away!"

"Relax! I know what to do."

"Do you? I reckon you're trying to get us a detention."

I looked around. "We need to get to the Ministry of Magic."

"What kind of bloody plan is that?" She sighed, "we can't even apparate on school grounds."

I ignored everything she said, grabbing her arm once again, and pulling her with me. "I know what I'm doing."


Most of Hogsmeade was empty that night, just some older wizards ready for some drinks and gambling at the pub. Daphne hid, crouched down behind me as we strut the trail. "They're not going to let us in, they'll know we're too young," she whispered.

"And exactly how will they know?"

"Well considering we're still in Hogwarts uniform, there was probably a gap in your plan!" She said more aggressively.

"Oh..." I stopped and looked down at my robes. "It's worth a shot."

"Oh I bet," her tone dripped with sarcasm.

We stood in front of Hogshead. The wooden door looked as though it would crumble in one tap. I knocked. A rather large man flung the gate open, towering over us with his lips curled. "Sorry folks, no children in today."

As he tried to close the door, I spoke, "we er- we were wondering if you have a floo network?"

"Why of course we do." He stared at the badge on my robe. "Hogwarts aye? You wouldn't need to come all the way out here for a floo system."

"The hogwarts floo system is closed," said Daphne, and I was quite surprised to hear her protest.

The man huffed. "Why I wish you good luck, but letting you both in would be a crime on my part." When he slammed the door, dust flew out from the edges, making our hair fly the other way.

"Welp, you heard the man, your plan is a crime." Daphne brushed her robes off. "Now let's head back to the castle-"

"Not so fast." My eyes trailed around the sides of the shop, not very far away, there looked to be a small chamber. "Come with me."

A/N; the next chapter is definitely one of my favorites ;)

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