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Astoria laid her head on the Arithmancy book in front of her. "This is bollocks! Who do they think they are, giving us homework on the first day?"

I wanted to protest and tell her it's good study, but even I was struggling to keep my quill moving over the parchment.

"Has anyone seen Parkinson?" Daphne sat herself down on the couch next to her sister. "Flitwick made us partners."

I snorted. "Knowing her, she probably just crashed right after classes."

And I'd be surprised.

"Has anyone ever thought of snogging a teacher?!" Pansy stumbled down the steps at a sluggish pace.

The glass cup which Daphne was charming, shattered completely. Astoria choked on her pumpkin juice, and I looked around at the younger students in the common room. Thankfully, they didn't seem to care much about us.

"Come again?" My voice cracked.

"Oh you know." She sprawled herself onto the single cushioned loveseat. "Like... Lupin, perhaps."

Astoria bursted into a fit of laughter. "The werewolf?!"

"Pansy, you're underage!"

"I know that!" She spat back at me. "But in his Hogwarts years, haven't you seen that one photo? The bloke was fit!"

"And this is why we lock the firewhisky drawer on school nights," I mumbled to myself and tried to go back to scribbling down answers.

A moment later, I wasn't sure if I should have been more concerned about Pansy, or the fact that Snape, who never dared to step foot into the common room, had just burst in. He scanned the room slowly, watching as the first and second years scrambled to their feet.

"Merlin, he's freaky," droned Pansy.

"Miss Shallow."

Oh, fuck.

"Professor." I lifted my head and smiled solemnly, as if I wasn't just about to curl up into a ball and cry.

"My office." He emphasized each word very clearly. "Now."


Somehow, Snape's office could be described as colder than a London winter. He sat on his chair like it was some kind of thrown. A small pendulum stood swaying on his desk, though I reckon it was magically charmed, as muggle objects aren't a particular interest of his. "You do understand that this situation you have created for yourself-"

"Situation?" This time I was actually intrigued.

He sat up straight and examined me closely. "You were there, that night, you've seen the orbs, you've heard the prophecy..." He stopped himself. "The night at the ministry, what did you hear?"

"Yelling," I answered simply.

"Do not play games with me, Shallow, you know what I mean! What did you hear?"

I did know what he meant.

And I can still hear it.

The voice is still profusely there, embedded in my ear drums. I was never sure if I wanted to think about it, but now that I am, all I want is for it to leave me be. The voice was calm that night, but everyday it sounds more like a burden. Snape was the last person that needed to know.

"I apologize, sir, but I heard nothing; just passed out, I believe."

He stood up, now looking down at me. "Do you find yourself comical?"

"I'm not sure of anything that I said that would be considered comical."

Snape held his anger surprisingly well and sat back down. "You are dismissed, we'll speak about this another time."


He ignored me. "Next time, I'd like to learn more about your passion for becoming a Ministry worker, we'll start with that."

Now that was comical.

"Thank you." I spun on my heel to leave, trying not to laugh. "And sir... I don't have a passion for becoming a ministry worker..." I could feel his sudden curiosity. "I want to become a healer."

Before he could call me back in, I left.

A/N; I call this my horrible attempt at trying to build up the plot...

Also, yes, yes I do fancast Andrew Garfield as young Remus Lupin.

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