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T/W; gore.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you here at this hour. It has come to my attention, that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade."

It was truly laughable, how clueless Snape was. We'd been in the building for just shy of an hour, hidden in plain sight. The students in front of us murmured with curiosity. I squeezed Harry's hand, watching his face closely. He was biting the inside of his cheek, calculating the perfect time to make an entrance.

Like a surprise birthday party, but death for dessert.

Snape spoke louder, in attempt to cease the chatter. "Exhaustive defensive strategies have been employed to deafeat any attempt Mister Potter might make to breach these walls. Should anyone—student or staff— attempt to aid Mister Potter, that person will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression."

I was sweating. To calm my nerves, I lifted my head up to the Slytherin section.

They were clapping.

Daphne would want to help, I thought. Astoria, maybe, even Theo. Not on their own, but I now realize how my green robes would make the difference.

I was drawn out when Harry started to walk forward. He let go of my hand, glancing back at me once, before filing through the students.

"If anyone has knowledge of Mister Potter's movements this evening, I invite them to step forward, now."

"I think I can help you out with that," Harry said, now in the middle of the great hall.

They were all stunned, and part of me was as well. I stepped back next to Ron and Hermione, and the rest of the order that emerged into the hall.

"It would seem that, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster... and it's quite extensive."

Students gasped and backed up towards the walls, giving him space. Snape stared in awe.

"How dare you stand where he stood?! Tell them how it went that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man that trusted you, and killed him!"

The Headmaster had no words. He had rage soaked into his skin. He reached for his wand, but McGonagall was faster. She shoved Harry to the side and sent a blast of fire towards the man. The great hall broke out into screams, as Snape stumbled back, attempting to attack.

McGonagall spelled him again, and this time, making him spiral into smoke, and crash out of a window.

"Coward! Coward! He didn't even stay to fight!" McGonagall cheered, and the entire hall did as well. She sent flames to every torch in triumph.

I was more preoccupied with the low feeling in my chest. I was spacing out again, now with more pain at the back of my head. Words were muffled, and I grabbed onto someone's arm, losing my balance.

He's coming.

He's here.

There was a scream coming from the corner of the room, and then another, but they both sounded like pin drops to me. Only one thing was loud and clear.

"I ask for but one thing, and if granted, no magical blood shall be spilt. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I will leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you shall be rewarded."

"What are we waiting for? Someone grab him!"

My eyes scanned the room quickly. Parkinson was pointing at Harry with a wide grin. It's always your greatest companions who become your worst.

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